Payroll System Overview
The CFS Payroll System consists of several separate programs combined into one convenient package. The programs may be licensed individually or together. Each license unlocks features for that part o…
Why don't you sell Payroll System as a package?
Why don't you sell your Payroll System as a single package? Why are the components sold separately? Our Payroll System is broken into modules: LivePayroll , 941/940 , W2/1099 , W2/1099 e-File Add-on…
Should I buy Payroll Suite?
Introduction. CFS Payroll System consists of several separate programs: LivePayroll (includes 941/940). 941/940 W2/1099 (W2/1099 e-file Add-on is available for an additional cost). Payroll Corrector.…
Creating Form 8809 Extension files
Overview. Create electronic Form 8809 extension files and manually upload them to the IRS FIRE website to file your extensions. CFS Payroll System creates electronic extension files only for the form…
Correcting 941 for missing ERC (Employee Retention Credit)
The IRS instituted a processing moratorium on new ERC claims beginning Sept. 14, 2023. See SIMPLEST PROCEDURE for correcting Form 941 for mi…
Getting Started: W-2 and 1099 E-Filing
Follow these steps prior to E-Filing W-2's and 1099's. Determine if you are required to E-File. See IRS lowers E-Filing threshold. Waivers may be automatically obtained by filing Form 8508 (for the f…
1099 E-Filing Step 4: Create state file
For help on other parts of the 1099 e-filing module, see 1099 E-filing Module Overview. Most users will complete the required IRS FIRE System upload(s) , before moving on to State 1099’s. State proce…
W-2 E-Filing Step 5: State Submittal
For help on other parts of the W2 e-filing module, see W-2 E-filing Module Overview. Submitting files to the states is nearly identical to Step 3. See Step 3: SSA Submittal. If your state requires th…
Note: Garnishment calculation is a function of Live Payroll only. It requires calculation of federal and states income taxes which are a function of Live Payroll only. The employee's Pay Period must…
LivePayroll Overview
LivePayroll shares the same interface as other CFS Payroll System programs: 941/940 , W2/1099 , and Payroll Corrector. It includes all of the features and forms of the after-the-fact 941/940 program,…
Payroll Getting Started
A quick, informative tutorial program is installed with the Payroll System. We recommend that all users, new and experienced, view the tutorial to help acquaint themselves with the usage and features…
1099 E-Filing Module Overview
This guide will walk you through E-Filing 1099's. See W-2 and 1099 E-Filing: Getting Started. Open the 1099 E-File Module. Follow the Step-by-Step procedure. Opening the 1099 E-File Module. Upon open…
1099 E-Filing: Navigating the IRS FIRE System Website
Before you begin. You must first create your file for IRS upload in Payroll System’s Create 1098/1099/W-2G e-file/MagMedia Files module. See 1099 E-Filing Overview. The Create 1098/1099/W-2G e-file/M…
Special Database Recovery Overview
This procedure is used when access to the payroll program fails because the database (.MDB) file has been corrupted/damaged. The plan is to create a new empty database file. Then restore into it what…
New York E-Filing Overview
For withholding tax returns due on or after April 30, 2015 , self-filers and agents (tax professionals filing for their employer clients) must electronically file and pay withholding tax returns. Fil…