W-2 E-Filing Step 5: State Submittal

Eric Updated by Eric

For help on other parts of the W2 e-filing module, see W-2 E-filing Module Overview.

Submitting files to the states is nearly identical to Step 3. See Step 3: SSA Submittal.

If your state requires the file to be submitted on CD, Step 6 allows you to print shipping labels.

See state-specific filing requirements.

States that require CDs
Some states do not have an electronic filing website and require filing on CD. This program will only create your state W-2 file(s) in the correct format by completing Step 4. You must have a read/write CD drive with CD writing software in order create a CD for state submittal. Payroll System will not create a CD for you. It creates the W-2 file(s) in the required state format, which you will then need to burn onto your CD (or proper media). There are numerous software programs available to create CD's.
Consult your state tax agency to see if there are any additional filing requirements (such as transmittal forms and more).
Note: When creating a file the program will open a "Save File Dialog Box", if you click Cancel while saving the file the file will still be created and will show on Step 3 (Feds) or Step 5 (State).  You can go to Step 3 or Step 5 highlight the file and "Reset" to move it back to the Create File Tab.

How did we do?

W-2 E-Filing Step 4: Create State File

W-2 E-Filing: Checking the Submission Status
