W-2 E-Filing Step 2: Creating an SSA File

Eric Updated by Eric

For help on other parts of the W2 e-filing module, see W-2 E-filing Module Overview.

This tab is used to convert W-2 data into the EFW2 file format.

  • Employers may be selected individually or combined to be in the same file. The SSA encourages the combination of multiple employers into a single file.
  • The Create File screen lists only employers that have data and do not have a file created for those W-2's. If an employer is not listed (and was not previously created), you must exit the CFS e-file/MagMedia W-2 module and complete the W-2's for that employer. See A client is not on the list of those that can be e-filed.
  • Highlight the employers that will be created together. Once the file(s) are created they will be moved to the Step 3 - SSA Submittal screen.
There is no need to file federal Form W-3 or W-3C if filing W-2's or W-2C's electronically to the SSA.
  1. Select the employer(s) to be included in the file. You can select them individually, or click Select All or Deselect All.
    W-2's added later
    Usually W2 and 1099 forms are completed, created, saved and transmitted without any problems. However, if new W2 or 1099 forms need to be filed after the original files are transmitted, the program will allow separate files to be created that can also saved and transmitted. These files will have a status of either ''W2s added'' or ''1099s added''. This applies to both the federal and required state files. It is no longer necessary to set up a duplicate employer. CAUTION: Do not Reset any files, as they are not affected by these added files.
  2. Make sure the Filing Year is correct. Use the radio buttons and check box under File Options to indicate whether this is an original file, a corrected file, or a resubmission.
    Creating prior year files
    To create prior year files, select the appropriate year (2017-2020). To send a prior year original file for any payer, a 2nd client must be created in order to separate current year forms from prior year forms. This can be done using the Utilities - Copy Client menu entry on the main Payroll System screen. Edit the duplicate client by entering ''prior'' in the control number field so you can tell the difference between the 2 clients. The client will now be listed twice in the client list. Be sure the Client List Options is set to display the control number in the Client List. You can import prior year data under Utilities OR enter those payees for whom you want to file prior year W-2s. If the payees are current payees you can copy them from your current payer using the function under the Utilities menu. Enter the prior year’s W-2 information into the W-2 form in the appropriate boxes. Save the W-2.
    More File Options
    W-2 ORIGINAL FILE - Select this option to display the employers that have W-2 data.
    W-2C CORRECTED FILE - Select this option to display the employers that have W-2C data.
    RESUBMITTED FILE - Check the box and enter the WFID number assigned to you by the SSA to be used when resubmitting a rejected file. Do not check this box unless you received a notice from SSA that the file was rejected.
  3. Click Create File. If any data is missing, a Missing Data dialog will appear. Otherwise, an Additional Data? dialog will appear. Items listed here are not common. In most cases you will click No.
  4. Click Save, using the default filename and location.
  5. The File Created dialog appears. Click OK. The file is now ready to be submitted.
  6. Click Step 3 - SSA Submittal. See Step 3: SSA Submittal.
AccuWage Online is available to test your EFW2/EFW2C wage files. (AccuWage Download is no longer available).

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W-2 E-Filing Step 1: Inputting Submitter Data

W-2 E-Filing Step 3: SSA Submittal
