Manual installation of a specific program from a CD

Eric Updated by Eric

In most cases, the installer will run when the CD is inserted. In some cases, it may be desirable to bypass the normal installer and instead navigate to a specific program installer on the CD.

  1. Insert the CFS CD.
  2. If the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for CFS Software Installer appears, click Cancel then Yes when asked to confirm and finally Finish.
  3. Open File Explorer.
In Windows 7, File Explorer is called Windows Explorer.
See How to open Windows Explorer.
  1. Under This PC, click the DVD or CD drive.
  2. A list of folders that are on the CD will display. Most folders begin with a two-character code, like "TT" or PR". Determine which two-character code matches the program you wish to install.
    1. Go to this article and find the name of the program in the table in the Software column.
    2. The value in that row's Location column is patterned like "C:\CFSLIB\XXyyyy\XXyyyyDB" where "yyyy" is a the year of the program and "XX" is the two-character code.
    3. In the list of folders in Windows Explorer, double-click on the folder that matches the XXyyyy pattern for the program you wish to install. For example, MD Personal Property 2021 is BP2021:
  3. Double-click on the Disk 1 folder.
  4. Double-click on setup.exe.
  5. Follow the prompts to install the program.

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