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Adding Responsible Officials to a TCC application

Eric Updated by Eric

As you continue through Application Screens, you will add information regarding your Responsible Officials and Contacts.

  • If you are a Sole Proprietor/Individual or S Corp, only ONE Responsible Official and Contact are essential, whereas at least two are required for other Business Entities.
  • If two are required, you will add Responsible Officials, who will each sign the application. See PIN signing by Responsible Officials.
Each Responsible Official will need their own sign-in.
About signatures: The first person who logged in to fill out the IR application will need to sign it with their 5-digit PIN at the end of the application, then submit it and logout. Signatures by the other Responsible Official(s) are explained later in this article.

Initial Submission

  1. Add each person as an official using their SSN and DOB. Their status will be listed as Pending until they accept the Terms of Service and create a PIN.
  2. The person who started the IR application needs to sign the application with a 5-digit PIN in order to initially submit it. The IR application may direct you to create a PIN, otherwise use the 5-digit PIN associated with your E-services account.
    If unsure of what your PIN is, select Modify Pin.

    You do not need to know your PIN to modify it.

PIN Signing by Responsible Officials

  1. Go to the IR Application.
  2. The Responsible Official should sign-in with their own user email and password. If they don't already have one, they may select Create Account.
    Signing up for can be arduous for many people. See IRS migrates e-Services login to
  3. After the Responsible Official logs in with their credentials, the website should direct the person accordingly with onscreen prompts, including the creation of a 5 digit PIN for signing. The Responsible Official should choose Individual.
    If you encounter problems, call the IRS FIRE System support line: (866) 455-7438.
  4. Scroll through the application until the end where you will sign with your 5-digit PIN. If the website has not already prompted you to create a 5-digit PIN, you can create one by clicking Modify PIN near the top of your screen.
    Be sure to accept terms and submit. Note that the IR application is not complete until each Responsible Official has signed, clicked submit, and the IRS accepts the submission.
    If you encounter problems, call the IRS FIRE System support line: (866) 455-7438.
  5. A tracking number will be displayed and the status shown.

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1099 E-Filing: submitting prior year files

Applying for FIRE Transmitter Control Code (TCC)
