Can Form 941-X be E-Filed?

Eric Updated by Eric

Effective 7/1/2024 the IRS allows E-Filing of Form 941-X. In 2024, only corrections for tax year 2024 may be E-Filed. Effective 7/1/2024, CFS supports E-Filing of Form 941-X via our E-file Federal Employment Tax Returns module found in the 941/940 Payroll. The 941/940 Live Payroll, or After-the-Fact Payroll program, and the Payroll Corrector program are required.

Payroll Corrector is one of our CFS Payroll System programs that can be purchased which includes Form 941-X as well as other 94x series (943-X, 944-X, 945-X), W-2c, W-3c and CA (DE 9ADJ, DE 678 and NY (NYS-45X) corrected forms.

How did we do?

Do I need Payroll Corrector to correct e-filed returns?
