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CA EDD e-Services File Attachment

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

The module described here converts saved Form DE 9, DE 9C, DE 3BHW, DE 3HW or CA Bulk Payment Record data files into files suitable for uploading to the EDD e-Services website as a "file attachment". The module is accessed from the Module Library by selecting the item labeled CA DE 9, DE 9C, DE 3BHW, DE 3HW, Bulk Payment - e-Services File Attachment. This module allows filing of multiple employers in one electronic file.

Form DE 9 and Form DE 9C are both quarterly files but must be processed and uploaded as separate files.
As an alternative to the File Attachment method described here, see CA Form DE 9C - e-Services Import a CSV File to import a wage file (Form DE 9C only) for a single employer. This may be a simpler option for uploading data to the e-Services website if a small number of employers are involved since it provides immediate confirmation of the filing. However, Form DE 9 cannot be filed using a CSV import so the user would either have to enter the numbers manually (four entries required) or use the File Attachment method.

Users must be familiar with the EDD e-Services website. For more detailed information on using e-Services, EDD has excellent video and PDF tutorials on creating and using an agent account to file employment taxes for other employers. A tutorial on using the File Attachment (Upload a Bulk Return File) method to submit returns, uploading a Bulk Payment CSV file to make payments for multiple employers, and using the Bulk Rate Inquiry to validate employer account numbers and to obtain their UI and ETT rates can be found on the EDD tutorials website under the Other link.

PDF tutorials on using the EDD website

Enroll as an agent and access client accounts

Upload a Bulk Return File

Upload a Bulk Payment File

After viewing the EDD tutorial, follow the steps below to create and submit Tax Return (Form DE 9 or Form DE 3HW) or Wage Return (DE 9C DE 3BHW) file attachments. Also see the instructions at the end to make Bulk Return CSV files and Bulk Rate Inquiry files.

Form DE 3BHW is a wage return for household employers and can be included in the same file as Form DE 9C. The structure and name of the bulk file is the same for both forms. Form DE 3HW is a tax return for household employers and can be included in the same file as Form DE 9. The structure and name of the bulk file is the same for both forms. The difference is that Form DE 3HW is an annual return and can only be included in the 4th quarter Tax return.

The instructions below refer to Form DE 9C and DE 9 but also apply Form DE 3BHW and DE 3HW.


First create and save Form DE 9 and DE 9C data files as if you were submitting them on paper using the module on the Module Library labeled CA DE 9 and DE 9C Quarterly Wage and W/H Report. Verify that the forms are complete and correct. If an employer has more than one Form DE 9C because the some employees are subject to state DI, state UI, voluntary plan DI, and/or the CA Exempt Status box indicates that some employees have one of three listed exemptions, and other employees have different settings, then make sure to import all employees for e-filing purposes and make only one Form DE 9C. The file attachment cannot be done when more than one DE 9C (or both a DE 9C and DE 3BHW) data file has been prepared for the same employer.


Create a Tax (DE 9 or DE 3HW) or Wage (DE 9C or DE 3BHW) formatted file. On this EDD e-Services File Attachment screen, select the filing quarter in the dropdown list. Then select the file to create: Tax (DE 9 or DE 3HW) or Wage (DE 9C or DE 3BHW) (see below for information on creating a Bulk Payment CSV file or a Rate Inquiry CSV file). Employers with saved Form DE 9 or DE 9C data files will be marked "Ready" (see later under Status Column for an explanation) and automatically checked to be included in the file. Uncheck the box next to the employers you do NOT want to include in the file. The EDD encourages users to combine multiple employers into one file. Click the ''Create XML ZIP File'' button, navigate to a directory where you will save your DE 9 or DE 9C file attachments, enter the file name (CFS recommends you use the default file name and directory) and click SAVE to save the file.

The program will create an XML file in each employer's data subdirectory, and automatically create a ZIP formatted file containing all of the XML files. The ZIP file is the file to use as the file attachment. When the file is successfully created, the file name will be copied to the computer clipboard. This allows you to use CTRL+V to paste the file name into the browse window when selecting the file to upload. To use this shortcut, the file must be created right before uploading it.

After creating a file, the user may double-click in the status column on the file name to load the ZIP file into the default Zip program, if desired. From within the Zip program it may be possible to view the contents of the individual XML files in Notepad or some other XML viewer.


CAUTION: If this automatic login method fails then login manually. Multiple failed login attempts may lock you out of e-Services until you reset your password. If you want to have the program enter your login information automatically on the e-Services website, then first click the Store Login Info button and enter your EDD e-Services for Business Username and Password. Then click the Login to e-Services button to load the e-Services website into your internet browser. Do not click the screen or type any characters. After a 5 second delay the program will automatically attempt to type your login information into the login screen. If the program does not successfully enter the login information into the login screen, there could be several reasons. 1) The screen loaded too slowly. The user can try to lengthen the default 5 second delay. Click the Store Login Info button and change the delay seconds number. 2) The user inadvertently clicked something on the screen or pressed a key before the login information was sent. Try it again. 3) The webpage is starting at an unexpected place. The user may have to manually enter the login information. Always be sure that the login information works manually before storing it for automatic login.


See the link to EDD tutorials for screen shots of uploading bulk files. Once logged in, click "More" then click "Upload a Bulk Return File" (previously "File Attachment") link on the website. To upload the DE 9 file (which may also contain DE 3HW), click the button "Tax Return", then "Next", followed by "DE9", and "Add Attachment". Enter a description in the box. Click the Browse button and locate the ZIP file. If you created the file immediately before logging in, then you can press CTRL+V to copy the filename into the browse window. Click Open. Click the Save button to attach the file. At this point the EDD will validate the file and display any errors. If there are no errors, click the "Next" button and enter the required information on the succeeding screens, clicking "Next" to proceed to the next screen. Click the Submit button to finish the submittal.

To upload the DE 9C file (which may also contain DE 3BHW), click the button "Wage Report", then "Next", followed by "DE9C", and "Next". Click "XML" and "Add Attachment". Enter a description in the box. Click the Browse button and locate the ZIP file. If you created the file immediately before logging in, then you can press CTRL+V to copy the filename into the browse window. Click Open. Click the Save button to attach the file. At this point the EDD will validate the file and display any errors. If there are no errors, click the "Next" button and enter the required information on the succeeding screens, clicking "Next" to proceed to the next screen. Click the Submit button to finish the submittal.


Form DE 9 and DE 9C must be submitted separately. Repeat Step 2, selecting the other form from the dropdown list, and Step 4, assuming you are still logged in to e-Services.


Periodically check the EDD website to verify that the files were accepted. On the REQUESTS tab, the files should be marked as PENDING until they are processed.

When files are submitted this way, users cannot view the employee wage details of Form DE 9C online. Only if the DE 9C is entered manually or a CSV file is imported can the details be viewed.

Explanation of Status Column

The column labeled Status next to the employer's name tracks the status of the corresponding employer's DE 9 or DE 9C data files. Following is an explanation of the status labels.


A single Form DE 9 or DE 9C data file for the quarter was found for the employer. This employer's DE 9 or DE 9C data is ready to be processed into an XML ZIP file.


More than one Form DE 9 or DE 9C data file for the quarter was found for the employer. In order to process a file for this quarter the user must delete any duplicate files for the quarter.


No Form DE 9 or DE 9C data files were found for the quarter for the employer.

Date – File name

The Form DE 9 or DE 9C data file for the quarter for the employer has been processed into a file. The name of the ZIP file when saved and date created are listed. The XML files that are compressed into the ZIP file reside in each employer's data subdirectory.

Resetting the Status for Employers

Once an employer's DE 9 or DE 9C data has been processed into a ZIP file for a given quarter, the file name appears in the status column and the employer's data cannot be processed (or reprocessed) into another file unless the status is reset. This feature is to safeguard the possibility of submitting the same data twice. To reset the employer for a given quarter, first select the quarter from the dropdown list. Check the box next to the employers that have already been processed into files. Click the Reset Status button to reset the selected employers. The status for the employers should then be Ready and they can be processed into another file.

Bulk Payment CSV File

Preparers can make electronic payments for multiple employers at once by creating and uploading a Bulk Payment CSV file. The steps are similar to creating a Tax or Wage return file described above.


First create and save a single CA Bulk Payment Record data file for each employer (see the module on the Module Library). Verify that the most recent payment record in that module is complete and correct and that the employer's bank routing number and account number have been entered and saved. If an employer has more than one saved data file then the status will be Duplicate and a file cannot be created.


Create a Bulk Payment CSV file. On this EDD e-Services File Attachment screen, select the file to create: Bulk Payment CSV file, then select the filing period in the dropdown list, either a monthly file or a quarterly file. Employers with saved CA Bulk Payment Record data files, where the most record payment record is the same period as that selected, will be marked "Ready" (see later under Status Column for an explanation) and automatically checked to be included in the file. Uncheck the box next to the employers you do NOT want to include in the file. Click the ''Create CSV File'' button, navigate to a directory where you will save your Bulk Payment file, enter the file name (CFS recommends you use the default file name and directory) and click SAVE to save the file.

After creating a file, the user will be prompted to open the file in NotePad to view it. This is optional. DO NOT EDIT THE FILE CONTENTS.


Login as described above. (see the link to EDD tutorials for screen shots of uploading bulk files)


Once logged in, click the "Upload a Bulk Payment File" link on the website. To upload the CSV file, click the button "CSV", then "Add Attachment". Enter a description in the box. Click the Choose File button and locate the CSV file. If you created the file immediately before logging in, then you can press CTRL+V to copy the filename into the browse window. Click Open. Click the Save button to attach the file. At this point the EDD will validate the file and display any errors. If there are no errors, click the "Next" button and enter the required information on the succeeding screens, clicking "Next" to proceed to the next screen. Click the Submit button to finish the submittal.


Periodically check the EDD website to verify that the payments were credited to the employer accounts.

Rate Inquiry CSV File

Preparers can request the UI and ETT rates of their employer clients on the EDD e-Services website. This module can create a CSV file containing a list of employer account numbers. The file an be imported on the EDD website to retrieve all employer UI and ETT rates at once. To produce the CSV file, select "Rate Inquiry CSV" in the "File to create" list. The status column will display "Ready" for employer's with 8-digit, non-zero EDD account numbers. Click the "Create CSV File" button to create the file. Once logged into the EDD e-Services website, click the "Bulk Rate Inquiry" link and follow the instructions to import the CSV file.

Employers with 250 or more California employee W-2s are required to file Form DE 9C electronically or file a waiver request on Form DE 3086M (available in General Forms/Utilities on the program's Type dropdown list). Consult EDD Publication 8300, Electronic Filing Guide for Quarterly Wage and Withholding Program, for further information.

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