Prior Year Electronic Filing

Suzette Ciplickas Updated by Suzette Ciplickas

e-filing W-2s and 1099's

  • You must use the current year's W2/1099 e-File Add-on software to e-file prior year's returns.
  • The current W2/1099 E-File Add-on module supports current year filing as well as the 4 prior years. For example, Payroll System 2023 W2/1099 e-File Add-on software supports e-filing for 2019 through 2023.
  • The W2/1099 E-File Add-on software becomes obsolete in December of each year because the IRS releases new specifications each year. Users must then use the newly released W2/1099 E-File Add-on software.
  • The IRS will reject files submitted using prior year W2/1099 E-file Add-on software.
  • Visit Methods to e-file prior year returns.

e-filing 941's

  • You must use the prior year's program to e-file prior year's 941s.
  • Electronic filing is supported for current year and 2 years prior. For example, see table below for 2023 3rd quarter (when the filing deadline is 10/31/23).

            Payroll System 2023

 current year

            Payroll System 2022

 prior year

Payroll System 2021

prior year 3rd and 4th quarter

e-filing CA Sales Tax

  • CA Sales Tax prior year filing is dependent on whether the schema changes. If it doesn't change, then prior years can be e-filed with the prior year program.
  • If the schema changes, then prior year returns must be paper-filed or web-filed.

How did we do?

Printing SSA-approved, black scannable W-3 forms

The modules in W2/1099 are in red text instead of black text
