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Find Client

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Find Client

The Find Client dialog is accessed from the UTILITIES menu on the Module Library screen (hotkey is SHIFT-F2). A user may locate clients quickly in the list by entering text for which to search. If the text is displayed in the Client List, then it can be found. The text displayed in the Client List can be customized using the Client List Options. After entering a text string and clicking <OK>, the first entry in the Client list with a matching string will be highlighted. To repeat the search from the current selection press CTRL+<F2>. The next matching entry will be highlighted. The search resumes at the top of the list if no matches are found.

Find Clients with Current Module

The Find Clients with Current Module dialog is accessed from the UTILITIES menu on the Module Library screen (hotkey is SHIFT-F4). A user may locate clients quickly that have saved data files for the currently selected module in the Module Library. For example, if Form 941 is selected in the Module Library, then this function will highlight all clients that have a saved data file for Form 941. To highlight one client at a time press CTRL+F4 instead. To repeat the search and highlight the next client, press CTRL+<F4>. The search resumes at the top of the list if no matches are found.

Note: If you use the Status fields on the Client screen to group clients, then highlighting all the clients with a saved module can be used to set the status field for all the highlighted clients at once. See the section about Quickly Changing Options Directly From the Client List in Client List Options.

How did we do?

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