94x (941/940/943) E-Filing Step 4: Check Ack File

Eric Updated by Eric

  1. Return to the MeF site and click Retrieve Production Acknowledgements to download an Acknowledgement ("Ack") file.
  2. In the E-file Employment Tax Returns module, click Auto Read Saved Ack File. The file will tell you whether your file has been accepted or rejected.
  3. Browse to the saved file. It will probably be in your Downloads folder, named AcknowledgementFile.zip.
    If more than one Acknowledgement File has been downloaded, subsequent files will be named AcknowledgementFile (2).zip, AcknowledgementFile (3).zip, etc.

  4. Double-click the latest file, or select it and click Open. An Acknowledgement Summary will indicate whether your files have been accepted or rejected. If accepted, the date will be recorded in the Accepted Date column of the grid.
  5. If the file is rejected, try to determine the problem by looking at the rejection reason by clicking the Accepted Date column or looking in the acknowledgement file. See 94x E-File Common Problems.

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94x (941/940/943) E-Filing Step 3: Upload File

94x E-Filing Common Problems (941/940/943)
