Purchasing tax forms and related envelopes

Eric Updated by Eric

To order tax forms and related envelopes, click here.

While we will gladly field your questions about ordering tax forms/envelopes, we do not take tax forms/envelopes orders over the phone. There are too many types of forms and envelopes and taking such an order over the phone can be too tedious and time consuming. In order to prevent mistakes and misunderstandings, we require that customers submit their tax forms/envelopes orders via our website.

Tax forms are sold in packs. Packs are generally designed to be enough for 100 people (employees/recipients). For example, a pack of copy A (red) 1099-MISC forms consists of 50 sheets of forms. Since there are 2 forms per sheet, that's enough for 100 recipients.
We do not sell old tax forms. Only tax forms for the current or the previous year can be purchased.

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