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Move Data Process Errors

The "Move Data Process Error" message means that an error has occurred during the process of moving data from installation storage to the program folder. This error has been known to occur during software installation and software update. A typical example is below.

The exact error text and error number may be slightly different depending on the underlying cause of the error.

The 10-digit error number begins with '-214' followed by a sequence of 7-digits. The phrase 'An error occurred during the move data process' is included in the error message.

This error is generated when the software installer / updater is prevented from copying files to the computer's file structure.

This type of error can be caused by:

  • Security software including anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-ransomware
  • Inadequate user permissions and security rules prohibiting regular Windows users from installing or updating software

The last 4 digits can be used to determine the cause and solution.

4713 cannot create a file when that file already exists

Go to the server to create the CFSLIB folder under the appropriate share point. Then bring up Properties on that CFSLIB and set permissions to allow MODIFY for USERS (or EVERYONE). It would probably be a good idea to create the program folder under that CFSLIB so during the installation from a workstation you can browse to that program folder.

4770 Automation Error Specified Module could not be found

Not an error encountered in program installation. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the program. In some cases, it was traced to DAO module trouble and was fixed by registering the DAO module.

4773 Unknown. Found installation had previously been done

This seems to have been bad installation material in NY WSSETUP in 2009.

4857 Disk is full

Free up some disk space on the appropriate drive and try the installation again.


This error was encountered in conjunction with a bad download - CRC errors. Try to download a fresh copy of the installer and try the installation again.

4891 General access denied error

Generally this means the logon being used on the workstation does not have administrator privileges. If the download has been saved, right click on it and run as administrator. That sometimes works even without asking for admin name and password. For more detailed instructions please see here.


This error seems to have been caused by smudges on the installation CD. Clean the disk and try the installation again.

7259 Unspecified error

This is not an error encountered in installation. This error is encountered in conjunction with printing. Try rebooting the workstation.

7848 The object invoked has disconnected from its clients

This is not an error encountered in installation. This code seems to be a catch-all. The conditions around the error are many and not connected.

  • Sometimes the error is encountered when trying to print to a physical printer. But printing to a printer driver is ok. And printing from the file to that printer works.
  • Sometimes the problem is resolved by uninstalling the program and reinstalling it.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to run Check Disk.

7849 The method called does not exist on the server

This indicates the system has been damaged, probably by uninstalling software or running a “clean up” utility. Uninstall the CFS program and reinstall it.

8113 Catastrophic failure

Make sure the destination program folder exists (create it if necessary). Also check the security on CFSLIB to make sure USERS have MODIFY allowed. Then when you get to the Destination Folder screen of the installation, click on the browse button and navigate through the drive letter through CFSLIB to the destination folder. Note that this problem has been encountered even when the destination was the C: drive.

Common Solutions

Solution 1: Run the installer "As Administrator"

Running the software installer as administrator will likely fix this problem.

If the software installer file has already been downloaded (See: Where To Download CFS Software) from the CFS website, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Windows Desktop run Windows File Explorer [ Keyboard Shortcut: Windows Logo Key + E ].
  2. Locate the installer file using one of the methods below appropriate for the installation environment:
    1. If the program is not yet installed, look in your Downloads folder for the installer previously downloaded from the CFS website.
    2. If the program is already installed and you are updating, open the installation location (see Software Locations (Default)) and find the subfolder called 'Update'. Within it is a single installer file.
    3. If this is a workstation setup in a network environment, open the WSSETUP folder (see Workstation Setup Locations (Default)) and locate the setup.exe file inside.
  3. Single-click the installer file to highlight it, then press [ Shift + F10 ] on the keyboard. A menu will pop-up.
    1. Select the 'Run as Administrator' option on the menu.
  4. The software installer will now run will now run at an elevated level, which should allow the installation to complete.
Solution 2: Ensure security software is not preventing installation

Security software can prevent the installation from creating files and folders, resulting in this error.

  • Confirm that security software, if present on the computer, is not interfering with the software setup.
  • Security software may include anti-virus, anti-malware and anti-ransomware software.
  • If security software is running on the computer, adjust the security software's settings as needed.
Solution 3: Ensure user permissions are adequate

Confirm the user performing the installation has adequate Windows user permissions to complete the task.

The user performing the workstation setup must have READ, WRITE, EXECUTE and MODIFY permissions to the folder the software is being installed into.

For installation on workstations on a network: although the vast majority of files needed to run the software from a network are located on the network, the software does require a small subset of files and folders be created / used on the workstation itself. The folder locations created / used on the workstation are typically the same as those used for single-user installations.

For more information on the folders used by our software, See: Software Locations (Default).

How did we do?

Modules do not load and no error is displayed

OCR-A (or OCR-ACFS) font is not properly installed
