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Importing prior year clients/payees/preparers/labels

Eric Updated by Eric

This Utilities menu function allows the user to bring forward client data from one year to the next.

  1. Click Utilities > Import Prior Year Clients/Payees/Preparers on the menu bar.
  2. Select the location where the previous year's clients are located, then click Next. A valid selection must contain the client database file PR20yyDT.MDB (where 20yy is the year).
    The text in Import From will be blue if it is a valid location. If it is red, choose another location.
    The Import To path is the data path set on the Configuration Options screen.
  3. Select the clients that should be imported or click Select All.
  4. Click Finish.
    The name, ID, and Control No. will be compared to entries in the current database. If all three match, then the client will not be added or overwritten but payees/recipients will be added to the database for that client if the payee's/recipient does not already exist. If any of the three client fields are different, then a unique client will be added to the database together with the payee/recipient data.
  5. From the main screen, double-click on each imported client to verify the payroll state deduction limits and rates are correct for the current year.

Reimported Clients

When importing clients into an existing client database, the user will be asked if they want to update payee/recipient demographics for payees/recipients that already exist in the current year's database.

If the user has already updated payee/recipient demographics in this year's database, then answering Yes will overwrite those updates with last year's data. Note that this only updates payee/recipient demographics, not demographics for the client.

Example: When the user received the program in January they imported last year's clients and payees/recipients (including 1099 recipients) into the new program database in order to work on the new payroll information. Later they used last year's program to complete their client's 1099 reporting. New 1099s were added and some existing 1099 addresses were changed. Later in the year they imported the client again to avoid reentering the new 1099s. The new 1099s will be added and, if the user answers YES when prompted, the existing 1099 demographics will be updated also. Note that if recipients are entered with duplicate IDs (including 000-00-0000 or APPLIED FOR) then they must be differentiated by entering a different Control number for each one. The program will then treat them as separate recipients.
This import procedure carries forward employer data (verify that Payroll State information is correct for the current year) and employee data (name and address, not numbers).

How did we do?

Importing payroll or 1099 data from Excel

Merge different employees into an employer
