Creating a new network database

Christopher H Updated by Christopher H

To create a new database in a shared network location follow the steps below. If your account is not licensed for the network version, the program will alert you and you can purchase the license(s) on our website.

  1. From the main menu select Tools > Options.
  2. An Options dialog will be displayed. Select the General section.
  3. Set Application Mode to Network, if it's not already.
  4. On the Network Database Location dialog, select Create A New Database.
  5. Using the Folder Browser, choose the Drive Letter and select the network folder to use for data storage.
    If needed, use the Make New Folder button to add a new folder(s).
  6. Click Create Database. A new database and associated folders will be created. The software will automatically close.
  7. Restart the software. Client data is now being used from the selected network location.

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