Remove All Client Locks

Daniel Strachan Updated by Daniel Strachan

If TaxTools WorkShop is in Network Mode and two users attempt to view a client at the same time, the following dialog will appear.

A popup stating the client is locked by another user, and how to go to Utilities > Network Utilities > Remove All Client Locks, with an OK button underneath.
  1. Make sure no other users have that client selected, then try again. If the problem persists, go to the next step.
  2. On the menu bar, click Utilities > Network Utilities > Remove All Client Locks.
    Utilities > Network Utilities > Remove All Client Locks
  3. Click OK on the Unlock Clients dialog.
    If a dialog appears that states "No locked clients found", another user was previously in the client but exited before Remove All Client Locks was clicked.
  4. Double-click the client and the record should be unlocked now.

How did we do?

Recover Missing Clients

Repair Classic Client Database
