94x (941/940/943/944/945) E-Filing Step 3: Upload File

Eric Updated by Eric

  1. Click Log In to MeF to open your browser to the login page of the MeF site.
    To open the page in a different browser, see How to switch browsers without changing the default.
  2. Log in. On the IRS e-services MeF site, IRS now offers a sign-in option with ID.me, a technology provider which offers access to IRS online services with a secure account that protects your privacy. If you don't have an ID.me account, you must create a new account.
  3. On the Select your Organization page, scroll down (if necessary) to Organization Roles. Choose your company which shows eFile under the Application Type column.
    If eFile appears next to multiple companies, select the one to which your ETIN belongs.
  4. At the MeF home page, click Transmit Production File.
  5. On the Submit Production File page, click Browse and paste the path\filename into the file name box using CTRL+V, and click Open. The filename should now appear next to the Browse.
  6. Click Submit. A status window will appear to inform you when the file has uploaded. Print the Submission Receipt for your records.

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94x (941/940/943/944/945) E-Filing Step 2: Create Transmission Files

94x (941/940/943/944/945) E-Filing Step 4: Check Ack File
