Error 7 when Starting Program

Error 7 is caused by a conflict with a component of CompuServe online service. It can occur if the program is set to "Check for web updates when program starts."

Use File Find (or Search) to locate the file RPAWINET.DLL on the C: drive of the computer.

If you are not a current user of CompuServe, permanently rename the file to something like RPAWINET.DLX to eliminate the conflict.

If you are a current user of CompuServe:

  1. Rename the file temporarily.
  2. Open the CFS program.
  3. Click "Configuration" on the toolbar.
  4. In the upper right corner of the "Configuration Options" screen, clear the "Check for web updates" checkbox.
  5. Click "Save Settings," and close Configuration Options.
  6. Rename the file back to RPAWINET.DLL.
You will not be able to use the "Check for web updates when program starts" feature or "Update from the Web" on the Internet Options menu. You must download and install program updates manually.

How did we do?

Error 6: Overflow

Error 70: Permission Denied
