NYS-45/NYS-1 - E-filing (Web Upload Files)

Greg Hatfield Updated by Greg Hatfield

Before using Web Upload files, see the New York E-filing Overview to determine which electronic filing method is best for you. The use of Web Upload files is very restrictive. Be sure you have set up the proper type of Online Services Account, Business or Tax Professional.

This module can create each of the three Web Upload files accepted by the New York Online Services website. The three files are:

Employee Wage - Containing the employee names, SSN's, and wages from Form NYS-45, Part C and/or NYS-45-ATT. This is the Wage Reporting file listed under Uploads on the NY website.

NYS-45 - Containing the UI and withholding data from Form NYS-45, Parts A, B, and D

NYS-1 - Containing the state and local withholding data from Form NYS-1

Note: Tax professionals using the NYS-45 Web Upload must submit a single file quarterly containing the returns for all of their clients. In order to submit a second file, the tax professional must obtain a second Agent Number from New York. When submitting both the NYS-45 and NYS-1 Web Upload file, a single payment must be made for the sum total all employer liabilities in the file. If you are not able to submit a single NYS-45 file quarterly and make a single payment for all your clients, then the Web File method of electronic filing may be more suitable. See the New York E-filing Overview.

Self-filers can upload only the Employee Wage (aka Wage Reporting) file. Self-filers and tax professionals can use Web Upload of the Wage Reporting file to satisfy Part C of the NYS-45 return, and then use Web File manual data entry to satisfy the NYS-45, Parts A, B, and D portion. Tax Professionals can upload all three files. The NYS-45 and Wage Reporting file must be submitted quarterly. The NYS-1 file must be submitted by the due date which is dependent on the employer's payroll date. See the NYS-1 instructions.

Before creating files, the user must complete the submitter fields on the screen, including the 3-digit Agent number. Self-filers cannot obtain an Agent number from New York but can enter 400 for the Agent number in order to create files.

Follow these steps to create and file Web Upload files:

1. Complete the appropriate New York return using the paper form module, NYS-45 or NYS-1. Both the Employee Wage file and the NYS-45 file are made from the same saved Form NYS-45, but the two files are made in separate steps. Both must be created and uploaded to complete the quarterly filing.

2. In this Web Upload module, select the type of Web Upload File from the dropdown list, Employee Wage, NYS-45, or NYS-1.

3. Select the Filing Period from the dropdown list. For Employee Wage and NYS-45 files, select the quarter. For NYS-1 files, select the Saturday date listed for the week with the saved NYS-1 form files. Any NYS-1 with a "Last Payroll Date" in the preceding week will be available to be filed.

4. All employer files "Ready" to be filed in that filing period will be automatically checked. The user can uncheck employers as desired to select the employer files to be included in the Web Upload file.

5. Click the "Create File" button. The Save File dialog appears with the default file name required by New York and path. Do not change the file name. Click Open to create the file. If an error occurs, fix the issue and try to create the file again. If there are no errors, then the file is ready to be uploaded.

6. Click the "Log in to NY Website" button. If you have stored the login information, then you may be logged in automatically. Otherwise, enter the login information manually and proceed to the Uploads section under Services on the left side of the website.

Note: Users can optionally store their Online Services Account login user ID and password using the "Store Login Info" button. If the information is entered, then when the "Log in to NY Website" button is clicked, the program will attempt to automatically type the information into the NY website login screen. If the website loads too slowly then it may fail. The user can increase the number of seconds of delay entered on the login info storage screen. If it continues to fail, then remove the login information from the storage screen and enter it manually to avoid getting locked out due to repeated failures.

7. Select either the NYS-1 upload, NYS-45 upload, or Wage reporting upload.

8. For the Wage reporting file, select the quarter, year, and type of file. For the NYS-45, click the Upload button and then select the type of file. For the NYS-1, select the type of file.

9. Click the Browse button to open the File Upload dialog and locate the file to upload. If you just created the file, then you can press CTRL+V to paste the file name and path into the File Upload dialog automatically. Click the Open button on the File Upload dialog.

10. Click the Upload File button to upload the file.

11. The website will give you confirmation of the success or failure of the upload. The Wage Reporting file success only pertains to whether it uploaded, not to the content. You will be notified by mail or phone in a few days if there is a problem. The NYS-45 and NYS-1 file are validated immediately.

12. Fix any errors and submit the file again, if necessary.

13. Repeat the file creation and upload process in the case of the NYS-45 to make sure you have uploaded both the Wage Reporting file and the NYS-45 file.

Explanation of Status Column

The column labeled Status next to the employer's name tracks the status of the corresponding employer's NYS-45 or NYS-1 data files. Following is an explanation of the status labels.

Ready – A single form data file for the filing period was found for the employer. This employer's form data is ready to be processed into a Web Upload file.

Duplicate – More than one form data file for the filing period was found for the employer. In order to process a file for this filing period the user must delete any duplicate files for the period.

None – No form data files were found for the filing period for the employer.

Date – File name – The form data file for the filing period for the employer has been processed into a file. The name of the file when saved and date created are listed.

Resetting the Status for Employers

Once an employer's form data has been processed into a Web Upload file for a given filing period, the file name appears in the status column and the employer's data cannot be processed (or reprocessed) into another file unless the status is reset. This feature is to safeguard the possibility of submitting the same data twice. To reset the employer for a given filing period, first select the filing period from the dropdown list. Check the box next to the employers that have already been processed into files. Click the Reset Status button to reset the selected employers. The status for the employers should then be Ready and they can be processed into another file.

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CA Forms DE 9 and DE 9C

New York E-Filing Overview
