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Are you sure you filed ALL your 1099's on IRS's tricky IRIS site?

Eric Updated by Eric

CFS recommends uploading to the IRS FIRE site, but if you choose to upload to the IRIS taxpayer portal, be aware of a tricky feature on that IRS site. After uploading your forms, on the unsubmitted forms screen the preparer must mark a checkbox for each return to be submitted. By default, IRIS displays 5 rows and the preparer must advance to each page to mark returns on subsequent pages.

Here's the tricky part: in many systems, the checkbox in the header row selects all rows regardless of what page the return is listed on. It seems that on IRIS that button only selects returns shown on the current page. This behavior may be different than in prior years and be an unwelcome surprise to some IRIS users, some of whom we spoke to who were not aware forms on the other pages were not submitted.

We strongly recommend confirming at the IRIS site that all desired forms were sent.

When submitting, compare the number of rows selected in the lower-left hand corner to the total number of rows in the lower right-hand corner to ensure all the desired forms are selected.

If you missed submitting some forms...

IRIS allows users to download a PDF file which details the submitted 1099s. If they are still in the unsubmitted forms section, mark them and submit them. If they are no longer there, re-upload the original e-file, proceed to the Unsubmitted forms webpage, and only select those that need to be submitted on the second attempt.

How did we do?

Applying for IRIS Transmitter Control Code (TCC)

Can the same TCC be used for both FIRE and IRIS?
