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Forms print on both sides of the paper

Christopher H Updated by Christopher H


When printing a multi-page form, pages are printing on both sides of the paper instead of one side.


There is no setting in our software that directly controls if a form is printed single-sided or double-sided.

Software called a 'printer driver' controls how documents print. Printer drivers are included with Windows in most cases or is supplied by the printer manufacturer.

If a printer is designed to print automatically on either side of a sheet of paper, the printer driver will allow for switching between single-sided printing or double-sided printing.

Double-sided printing may also be called duplex printing.


To adjust the print settings for a particular printer follow the steps below:

  1. At the Windows Desktop use the keyboard shortcut [ Windows Logo Key + R ]
  2. In the Run window type control printers then click OK.
  3. A Devices and Printers window will be displayed. Printers that are currently available will be listed in the Printers section.
    The default printer will be marked with a white check on a green circle icon. Typically CFS software will automatically print to the default printer.
  4. Single-click the printer you would like to examine to highlight it; then use the keyboard shortcut [ Shift + F10 ].
  5. From the pop-up menu select Printer Preferences. A new window similar to the one shown below will be displayed.
    In this example the HP LaserJet printer driver is showing a Print on Both Sides setting which is use to control if documents are printer on both side of the paper or not.
    If you make a change to this type of setting be sure to click Apply then OK before closing this window for any changes to take effect.
    The layout, terminology and types of settings shown on the Printer Preferences window will vary greatly depending on the printer model.
  6. If changes are made to printer settings we recommend restarting our software to ensure the new setting is loaded.

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