W-2 E-Filing Step 4: Create State File

Eric Updated by Eric

For help on other parts of the W2 e-filing module, see W-2 E-filing Module Overview.

If your state requires a separate file submission, Step 4 and Step 5 allow you to create and submit a state file, using the same procedure you used for the SSA.

State requirements are shown in the program under State Information.
  1. State file creation is nearly identical to Step 2. See Step 2: Creating SSA Files.
    The IRS Create File screen lists only employers that have data (and that aren't already included in a previously created upload file). If an employer is not listed, you must exit this module and complete the W-2's for that payer. See A client is not on the list of those that can be e-filed.
  2. Click Step 5 - State Submittal. See Step 5: State Submittal.

If your state requires a separate file submission, Steps 4 & 5 allow you to create and submit a state file, using the same procedure you used for the SSA. If your state requires the file to be submitted on CD, Step 6 allows you to print shipping labels.

How did we do?

W-2 E-Filing Step 3: SSA Submittal

W-2 E-Filing Step 5: State Submittal
