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Applying for IRIS Transmitter Control Code (TCC)

Greg Hatfield Updated by Greg Hatfield

There are different types of TCC's (Transmitter Control Codes).

  • FIRE (Filing Information Returns Electronically)
  • IRIS (IRS Information Return Intake System).


See Differences between e-filing with FIRE and IRIS.

CFS recommends that CFS Payroll System users continue to use the FIRE system instead of IRIS.
  • To apply for a FIRE TCC (recommended) see Applying for a FIRE Transmitter Control Code.
  • To continue applying for an IRIS TCC, continue reading below. To use IRIS, you must apply for an IRIS TCC even if you already have a FIRE TCC.

Applying for an IRIS TCC

You must apply for an IRIS TCC to file 1099's with IRIS, even if you already have a FIRE TCC.

The guide that follows are generalized and not a click-by-click instructions like our FIRE application article, which is the method recommended by CFS. Since both processes are similar, you may refer to the FIRE application article if you need further help.
For detailed instructions, see How to Use the Information Returns Portal.
  1. Go to the IRIS portal. When completing the application, be sure to:
    1. Choose Taxpayer Portal for Role.
    2. Chose Form 1099 Series for Forms.
    3. Choose Portal for Transmission Method.
  2. After receiving your IRIS TCC, log into the IRIS portal.

About the IRIS portal

The IRIS portal was opened in early 2023 and allows filers to submit Information Returns (1098, 1099s, W2-G) to the IRS electronically. Forms may be completed manually online or a CSV file containing the form information may be uploaded. Either way, users may review, edit, and submit the returns to the IRS, as well as print recipient copies.

For tax year 2022 only 1099 filing was available. It is anticipated that Forms 1098 and W-2G will eventually also be fileable.

IRIS has two filing methods:

  • Taxpayer Portal. Compatible with Payroll System. Up to 100 records may be filed at a time.
  • A2A (Application to Application). Not compatible with Payroll System.

A2A is used by software companies who transmit returns and large bulk filers, and requires direct transmission from the transmitter's computer to the IRS and retrieval of acknowledgements. CFS does not receive and transmit our customer's data and the IRS method of A2A transmission makes it unfeasible for our users to be the A2A transmitter using our software.

How did we do?

Applying for FIRE Transmitter Control Code (TCC)

Are you sure you filed ALL your 1099's on IRS's tricky IRIS site?
