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Online State UI Filing Support

Greg Hatfield Updated by Greg Hatfield

Filing of state UI tax and wage reports is increasingly being done electronically. States prefer the online method due to a reduction in costs and many filers prefer it due to the more immediate feedback given to users. Many states can import properly formatted wage files into their online filing system so that users don't have to type the information that they may have already entered into their payroll software. This utility creates the formatted wage files specific to each state for the currently selected employer.

The Online Filing Support module is found in the Module Library section of the Payroll program by selecting "941/940 After the Fact/Live Payroll". In additional to this separate module, online filing for several states is supported directly from the state UI form module. Each file contains the wage data for only one employer at a time. It does not bulk file multiple employers at one time. The process is described below.

Prior to using this utility: Users must be registered for, and familiar with, the state online filing website that they are using. This utility only creates a formatted wage file for the user to upload. The user must know how to determine if there are data errors on the state website and must know how to complete the filing process online. See additional state specific information below.

Step 1 - Select State/Store Log-in

Select the filing state from the dropdown list. Each state requires a wage file with a different format and specific employee information. After the state is selected, the employee listing will display the information that the selected state requires. Text below the state also indicates the type of file that will be created.

Each state online filing website has different login requirements, such as User ID and Password. Although users can manually enter the login information, the program allows the user to enter the login information and save it. The saved login information can be used to automatically log in to the state website. See Step 5.

  • Preparer Log-in - If the state website allows preparers to log in as a third-party and file for their client, then the user can enter the log-in information here. This information will be used when logging in as a preparer for all clients.
  • Employer Log-in - If the user will be logging in using the employer's log-in information, then it can be entered here. This information is specific to the currently selected employer and will only be used for this employer.
  • User ID, Name, Account No., etc. - This first parameter may have a different name on each state website. If you want the program to automatically enter this when logging in, then enter it here.
  • Password, PIN, etc. - The second parameter is most often called a password. If you want the program to automatically enter this when logging in, then enter it here. If the User ID is not entered then the Password will not be automatically entered when logging in. If you are concerned about security of this log-in information, then CFS suggests that you manually enter it each time you log in.
  • Number of seconds to allow the browser to load - When logging in, the browser must load and then the User ID and Password will be sent to the browser window. If the browser is slow to load for whatever reason, the User ID and Password may be sent too early to be read by the log-in screen. If the automatic log-in fails because the User ID and Password don't appear automatically, then the user can try to increase the number of seconds in this delay. If the automatic log-in continues to fail then CFS recommends that the log-in information be removed from this screen and entered manually instead.

Step 2 - Select the filing period

1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th quarter. For New York a checkbox allows you to designate that this will be the final filing period of the calendar year. It is only necessary to check this box if the employer is closing business before the 4th quarter. For Illinois a check box allows you to create files for monthly reporting.

Step 3 - Import/Complete Data

After the state is selected the employee listing screen will display the information that the selected state requires. Click the Import Payroll Data button to import employee wage information entered into the payroll grid for the currently selected employer for the filing period selected in Step 2. In some instances the user may be required to complete certain columns that could not be imported by manually typing data into the grid.

Step 4 - Create Upload File

When data in the employee listing is complete, click the Create Upload File button. A file will be created specifically formatted according to the requirements of the state selected in Step 1. A message box will display the name of the file. The directory path and name of the file will also be saved in the Windows Clipboard. This allows the user to easily paste the name of the file into the state browse window when selecting the file to upload.

Users can investigate the contents of the files by clicking the View File button. Typically this would only be used for troubleshooting purposes.

Most states simply require uploading the file to the state website. New York is an exception. New York uses a Copy and Paste function to copy the contents of an excel spreadsheet. Click the View Contents button to load the New York CSV file into Excel (requires Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet program to be associated with CSV files). See the New York instructions for how to copy and paste the information into their wesite.

Step 5 - Log-in to State Website and Manually Upload File

Click either the Log-in as Preparer button or the Log-in as Employer button. See Step 1 to determine which is appropriate. After clicking the button, the state website will be automatically loaded in the system's default browser. The program will wait the number of seconds entered on the Step 1 log-in screen before typing the log-in information. If successful, the user will be logged into the state website. If the log-in fails because the browser loads slowly, then the user can increase the number of seconds delay entered on the Step 1 log-in screen. If the automatic log-in is still not successful then CFS recommends that the log-in information be removed from the Step 1 log-in screen (at least the password) to avoid repeated log-in failures which sometimes results in the user being required to call the state to reset the account.

Once logged in, the user should start the state process to file a quarterly return. The user must be familiar with the state online filing system. Some states have more than one file upload system. The file created using this utility contains wage data for only one employer. Locate the online file upload function to allow uploading data for a single employer. When the state Wage File Upload or Import feature is reached, most states have a browse function to locate the file to be uploaded. The browse window lets the user navigate folders and/or type in the name of the file. The user can press CTRL+V to paste the file path and name that was copied to the Windows Clipboard in Step 4. Click Ok or Open on the browse dialog to select the file. Proceed with the upload operation.

The user must pay attention to any errors the state website may report. Some states report errors when the file is uploaded. Others require that the user check back later for a status report. It is up to the user to be familiar with their state's wesite and filing requirements. Be sure to complete the quarterly filing by entering any necessary tax report information.

Additional State Specific Filing Information

Note that this utility properly formats the state file. Although the user may be required to complete data on the employee listing screen, the user is not required to perform any special formatting of the file after it is created unless specified below (see New York).

Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The file contains both employer totals and employee wages. See link for Upload File Specifications. See the Alabama DOL 80 byte format. NOT the bulk format.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. See link for Required File Upload Format. The CSV file may also be created directly from the Form UC-018.020 module. See AZ Form UI-018/020.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. The State Plan column is normally "S" indicating that the employee is covered under the state plan for UI and DI. If the employee is not covered under the state plan, then manual entry may be required on the state website after importing the CSV file. The CSV file may also be created directly from the Form DE 9C module. See CA Form DE 9C - e-Services Import a CSV File.
This utility does not create the file required for upload to the Florida online filing website because the file must contain tax information found on Form RT-6. The Form RT-6 module in this program does create the single employer upload file. Note that a bulk upload file containing multiple employers can be created and uploaded to an FTP site using the FL Form RT-6 Electronic Filing module.
Agent Log-in website for online filing:
Employer Log-in website for online filing:
Additional information website:
The flat file contains both employer tax and employee wage records.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage reports and can be uploaded to the Georgian DOL Portal to aid in filing quarterly UI returns. The "Under 18" column is Y or N and the program can automatically complete it if the employee's birth dates are entered on the employee setup screen.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Once logged in, see link for Import Wage Records Help.
Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
In addition to quarterly reporting, Illinois requires certain employers to electronically report wages monthly. The monthly wages must be reported by uploading a CSV file to MyTaxIllinois. There is no manual entry option. The monthly wage file is formatted differently than the quarterly wage file. The monthly wage file contains an employer record followed by employee wage records. The quarterly CSV file contains only employee wage records. The quarterly CSV file may also be created directly from the Form UI-3/40 module. See Form UI-3/40.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains the employee wage records for the employer and represents the entire return. After importing data, certain fields must be verified or added by the user. Since the file contains the return for a single employer, the user must have access to and log into the employer's account to submit it.
Note: Indiana also allows agents to submit a single multi-employer file per filing period, however, CFS does not support this option currently.
SOC Code - The 6-digit standard occupation code must be entered by the user with no hyphen. See the Indiana website for the codes. After creating a file, this entry will be retrieved when importing the next quarter's data.
Work location ZIP code - The employer's ZIP code is entered by default but the user should change it to the employee's work location ZIP code, if different. See the Indiana website for instructions on determining the correct ZIP code to use. After creating a file, this entry will be retrieved when importing the next quarter's data.
Full Time, Part Time, or Seasonal worker Code - The program defaults this to FT, but the user should change it to FT, PT, or the 2-digit seasonal worker code (only if specifically assigned by Indiana). After creating a file, this entry will be retrieved when importing the next quarter's data.
Start Date - The program uses the employee Hire Date from the employee screen. Enter the date there to avoid having to enter it each time a file is created.
Employed on the 12 day of the month indicator - The user is responsible for making sure the indicators for each month are marked Y or N correctly to indicate that the employee was employed on the 12th day of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd month of the quarter.
Note: The file contains 2 header rows. The first row has the name of each column and the second row contains sample data. These rows must be present in each file exactly as in the Indiana template file located online. Do not alter these rows or the submission will fail.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. The Sequence Number represents the record number in the file. The Reporting Unit number must match the Reporting Unit in My Iowa UI; example 0001. The program will complete this column if the Reporting Unit is entered for each employee into the Unit No. field on the employee screen. See link for Tutorial E from the above website.
Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Users must manually mark which employees were employed on the 12th day of each month. The program marked them all by default. See link for Instruction Manual from the above website.
The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), if available, or Job title, and the last hourly rate for the quarter are required. Live Payroll users can enter the rates for hourly and salaried employees on the Employee Rates tab in order for the program to import the rate to this module. The rate for salaried employees is the annual salary divided by 2080. After-the-Fact Payroll users must enter the rates manually in the Hourly rate column. All users must enter the 6-digit Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) in the SOC/Job title column. If the SOC is not available, then enter the employee's job title.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The EWAGE Maryland 80 Format created by this module is no longer supported by Maryland. See MD Form DLLR/DUI 15/16 module to create a properly formatted CSV file instead.
Agent Log-in website:
Employer Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. The program will complete the Unit No. column and the Officer Code column if they are entered for each employee into the Unit No. and Employee code fields on the employee screen. Owner/officers must be marked with "y" in the Officer Code column. Users must manually mark which employees were employed on the 12th day of each month. The program marked them all by default. The user may need to complete the hours column if the data is not entered in the Payroll grid. See links for File Upload demo, Employment Wage Detail File Upload Template, and the Employer and TPA User Guides.
This utility does not create the file required for upload to the Michigan online filing website because the file must contain tax information found on Form UIA 1028. The Form UIA 1028 module in this program does create the single employer BULK REPORT upload file. When uploading the file be sure to choose the BULK REPORT and not the WAGE REPORT.
Log-in website for online filing:
Click the Michigan Web Account Manager link
Additional information website: same as above
The formatted file contains both employer tax and employee wage records for upload to MiWAM.
Agent Log-in website:
Employer Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. The program will complete the Unit number column using the 4-digit suffix on the Employer UI Account number entered on the Employer screen. The Officer Code column will be completed automatically if the Employee code field on the employee screen is completed, otherwise enter "y" if the employee is an owner/officer. Users must manually mark which employees were employed on the 12th day of each month. The program marked them all by default. The user may need to complete the hours column if the data is not entered in the Payroll grid.
Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The 72 characters per record file contains only employee wage records. See link on the above website for View File Specifications under Test Your File Format. The file may also be created directly from the Form MODES-4/10B module. See MO Form MODES-4/10B.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. See link for Upload Employee Wages screen.
Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. See the User Guide for more information.
Log-in website: Login
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Once logged in, see link for Help for Tax and Wage Reporting File Uploads. The CSV file may also be created directly from the Form RPT3795/NEW0098 module. See Form RPT3795/NEW0098.
New Hampshire
Log-in website:
Additional information website; same as above.
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. See the CSV Upload Requirements instruction link on the log-in website above.
New Jersey
New Jersey does not have a file upload function on their online filing website. However, they do have a bulk filing method to upload a file to and FTP site (Tumbleweed) containing multiple employers. See the NJ-927/WR-30 e-Filing module.
New York
Log-in website: NY.GOV ID
Additional information website (Taxation and Finance):
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. The CSV file may also be created directly from the Form NYS-45 module. See NY Form NYS-45. The CSV file cannot be uploaded directly. It must be loaded into an Excel spreadsheet (or equivalent program) so the Copy and Paste function on the New York website can be used. Click the View File button to load the file using the default program associated with CSV files (usually Microsoft Excel if loaded on the computer). Follow the New York instructions below to Copy and Paste the wage information into the online filing system.

How to copy the data into the application:
· Login and go to the NYS-45 Web File service, proceed to the “Copy and Paste Wage Reporting Information” screen.
· Locate and open the spreadsheet on your computer that contains your employee wage reporting detail.
· Select the rows and columns you want to copy and paste by clicking in the cells and dragging down and across the spreadsheet. This will highlight the data that will be copied. (Do not include the header row in your selection)
· Copy the information that is highlighted.
· Click on your internet browser window to display the “Copy and Paste Wage Reporting Information” screen.
· Click in the empty box on the screen.
· Paste your copied information.
· Your wage reporting data should now be visible.
· Select Format to continue your return filing.
· Your employee wage data will be displayed on the “Data Entry Wage Reporting Information” screen. Any errors detected will be highlighted.
· Review each page of wage detail and correct errors by typing over the data on the screen.
· If you made an error and need to begin again, you can select Clear All on the “Copy and Paste Wage Reporting Information” page or the “Data Entry Wage Reporting Information” page and start the process from the beginning.
· When you are ready to go on to the next part of your return filing, select Continue.
North Carolina
This utility does not create the file required for upload to the North Carolina online filing website because the file must contain tax information found on Form NCUI 101. The Form NCUI 101 module in this program does create the single employer upload file.
Log-in website for online filing:
Additional information website:
The ICESA formatted file contains both employer tax and employee wage records.
North Dakota
Log-in website:
Additional information website: same as above
The tab delimited file contains only employee wage records. Once logged into the online system, see the link for help on Importing a Wage Report File. In the online system select the default choices when importing the file: Delimited File, Step 1 - Skip 0 lines (no header record), Step 2 - Tab Delimiter, Step 3 - Quotes for string qualifier, Step 4 - Field order: SSN, Last, First, Initial, Wages, Step 5 - Decimal not implied
South Dakota
Log-in website: South Dakota DLR log-in Note: Four failed log-in attempts will lock your computer out of the website.
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Click the Help link on the above website and then scroll down to Upload a Delimited File and read the instructions. When uploading the file select Comma Delimited. All required fields are included in the file but you may need to match the columns in the file with the required columns online.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Once logged into the online system, look for information on uploading wage data.The CSV file may also be created directly from the Form C-3/C-4 module. See TX Form C-3/C-4.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The 58-character text formatted file contains only employee wage records. See link on the above website for Acceptable File Formats. The file may also be created directly from the Form LB-0456/0851 module. See TN Form LB-0456/0851.
This utility does not create the file required for upload to the Utah online filing website because the file must contain tax information found on Form 33H. The Form 33H module in this program does create the single employer upload file.
Log-in website for online filing: Utahid
Additional information website: same as above.
The MMREF formatted file contains both employer tax and employee wage records for upload to the Utah UI website.
This utility does not support Virginia online filing. A separate utility supports online filing for Virginia UI and withholding forms. See the VA Web Upload for Return Filing.
Washington UI
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains only employee wage records. Once logged into the online system, look for information on uploading wage data. The SOC (industry code) is not saved in the program. It can be entered manually or left blank.
Washington PFL/LTC
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The CSV file contains employee wage records for both paid family leave and Cares Long Term Care (LTC). Once logged into the online system, look for information on uploading wage data.
West Virginia
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The ICESA formatted file contains only employee wage records. See the link on the above website for Online Contribution User Guide. For the file specifications, see the link for Magnetic Media Wage Reporting Manual.
Log-in website:
Additional information website:
The tab delimited file contains only employee wage records. See this link for tab delimited File Specifications. See this link for file upload error messages. The file may also be created directly from the Form UCT-101/7823 module. See WI Form UCT-101/7823.

How did we do?

New York E-Filing Overview

Online UI Filing Support from the State UI Form Module
