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Error 75: Path/File Access Error

Error 75 usually indicates a rights issue. The most common problem is that the logged on user does not have the right to modify files in the designated folder. There are, however, a number of other situations that can cause this error. All are listed below, along with appropriate solutions.

Most of the following solutions involve changing security and sharing permissions on the CFSLIB folder. Controls for setting these permissions may be different, depending upon the operating system. The controls are generally accessed by right-clicking on the folder and left-clicking on "Properties." Then look for:

  • Tabs labeled "Security" and "Sharing," or
  • Check boxes labeled “Let network users access my files” and “Let network users modify my files.”

Network Installation, New or Changed Configuration

The network version of a CFS program allows the data to be stored in a shared folder, preferably by use of a mapped drive letter. The shared folder can be located on an actual server that is not used as a workstation, or it can be on someone's computer in a peer-to-peer configuration. The shared folder must have "Sharing" and "Security" permissions set to allow users to "Modify" or "Change" files within the folder.

New Server

If error 75 occurs while you are trying to implement a new server, make sure permissions on the shared folder are set correctly. For more information, see How do I map a network drive?

Data on Different Server

The default configuration for CFS programs has the database folder within the program folder. The program can be configured so that the program is installed on one computer and the data is stored on a different computer/server. If this is the case, and the drive letter previously assigned to the old server is no longer available, the attempt to reach the old drive letter can result in error 75. For this situation, try the following:

  1. On program startup, add a new user. This new user will be assigned a default database path.
  2. Click "Configuration" on the program toolbar to open the "Configuration Options" screen.
  3. Under "Data Options," change the "Data Path" to the correct path.

Error Message Refers to “CFSSTRT”

See the following section.

New Workstation, Especially Windows 7

Since 2009, CFS programs place a footprint on the workstation: the contents of the CFSLIB folder at the root of the operating system drive (normally C:\CFSLIB). This folder may inherit security settings from the root of the drive, including a setting which restricts “Modify” to administrators. Users of CFS programs do not have to be administrators, but they do need "Modify" permission on CFSLIB and all contained folders.

Generally, for Windows XP and later, the C: drive is formatted as NTFS. If some users cannot write within the C:\CFSLIB folder but others can, open the "Properties" dialog on the CFSLIB folder and select the "Security" tab to select “users” of the machine and check the “Allow Modify” box.

If the "Security" tab is not present in the "Properties" dialog, “Simple File Sharing” is probably in effect.

  • If the operating system is XP Professional or Windows 7, go to Tools – Folder Options – View tab. At the bottom of the list, remove the check from the "Simple File Sharing" check box.
  • If this is XP Home edition, shut down the computer and reboot in Safe Mode. (See How do I install a program or update in "safe mode?") You will then be able to select the "Security" tab in the CFSLIB Properties dialog.

Program Works for One Person but Error 75 for Another


In a single-user environment, this issue may be due to the program having been installed when someone was logged on as “administrator.” The program works as long as "administrator" is logged on to the computer, but when another user is logged on, the program fails with error 75.

The solution is to log on as administrator and open the "Properties" dialog for the C:\CFSLIB folder. On the "Security" tab, add a user with the name “everyone” and edit permissions to allow the user to "modify" or "change.”


In a network environment, start by performing the above procedure to give "everyone" modify or change permissions at the workstation. Then, do the same thing for the shared folder at the server:

  1. Locate the shared folder (CFSLIB).
  2. Right-click on the folder and left-click on "Properties."
  3. Click the "Share" tab and the “Permissions” button.
  4. Add a user “everyone” and give that user “allow modify or change” under the share permissions.

Database Is Effectively Read Only

All users must have "Modify" permissions for CFSLIB and included folders. However, the database might not be in the same folder as the program. For example, in some network environments, the CFSLIB folder with the program is installed on one server, while the data is stored on a different server. In that case, the security and sharing permissions on the shared folder containing the database must also allow "Modify" for all users of the program.

This has also infrequently been caused by other software interfering with the database file in network installations. Check for automatic backup and/or antivirus software running on the same computer. It may be necessary to add an exemption for our software in your antivirus system and/or exclude the network's CFSLib directory from automatic scanning/backups.

Notably, we have seen this issue with Norton360 and Webroot Security.

Restore/Import from diskette

If error 75 is encountered while attempting to restore or import from a diskette, it could mean that there is a bad drive, a bad diskette, or the protection switch is set on the diskette.

The solution is:

  1. Create a temporary folder on the hard drive and try to copy the contents of the diskette to that folder.
  2. If the copy is successful, open the "Properties" dialog for the temporary folder and make sure the "Read-only" attribute checkbox is cleared.
  3. Try the restore/import from the temporary folder.

Restore from a CD/DVD

If error 75 is encountered while attempting to restore or import from a CD/DVD drive, it could mean that there is a bad drive or a bad medium. The usual error on attempting to restore from a read-only device such as a CD or DVD is error 3051.

The solution is:

  1. Create a temporary folder on the hard drive and try to copy the contents of the CD or DVD to that folder.
  2. If the copy is successful, open the "Properties" dialog for the temporary folder and make sure the "Read-only" attribute checkbox is cleared.
  3. Try the restore/import from the temporary folder.

Some Programs Work, Some Don’t

If some program work for a user, but others fail with error 75, it's possible that a sub-folder of CFSLIB has the "Read-only" attribute set, or does not have the necessary "Modify" permissions.

  1. Open the "Properties" dialog for the failing program's folder by rIght-clicking on the folder and left-clicking on "Properties."
  2. Make sure the "Read-only" attribute checkbox is cleared.
  3. Make sure the "Security" settings on the folder include "Allow Modify" for the applicable user or group.
  4. Click "Apply" to apply the settings.
If there is no Security tab in the Properties dialog, go to Tools - Folder Options - View tab. Look for a "Simple File Sharing" check box, and remove the check from that box. The Security tab should then be available.

Antivirus Software: Comodo, Avast, Bit Defender, StopSign

There have been numerous occurrences of conflict between the above antivirus programs and CFS software (especially Payroll System), resulting in errors 75, 3049, 3050, and 3051. If one of the above antivirus programs is in use, exemptions or exclusions must be set so that they do not interfere with the database folder (e.g., PR2010DB). If the error occurs during backup, the solution is to exclude the entire CFSLIB folder.

Backup Software

Backup software can be configured to back up data continuously as you work, either to an external drive or the cloud. This can cause a conflict with CFS programs, especially Payroll System. As with antivirus software, it is necessary to exclude the database folder from the backup operation.

If the CFS program is set to automatically back up the database on exit, your backup software can include the resulting backup folder, so that backup protection is not lost.

Another workaround is to pause the backup software while payroll data entry is in progress. When you restart the backup software, it will catch up with changes made while it was paused.

None of the Above

If changing the security settings for the folder has not solved the problem, use the following procedure to make sure the "Read-only" and "Hidden" attribute checkboxes are cleared for CFSLIB and all subfolders.

In a network installation, first perform the procedure on the CFSLIB folder on the server. If that does not solve the problem, perform it on the C:\CFSLIB folder(s) on workstation(s).
  1. Open the "Properties" dialog for the CFSLIB folder by rIght-clicking on the folder and left-clicking on "Properties."
  2. Click in the "Read-only" checkbox until it contains a black check mark; do the same for the "Hidden" checkbox.
  3. Click the "Apply" button and select the "all files and folders" option.
  4. Click again in each of the "Attributes" checkboxes to clear them.
  5. Click the "Apply" button and select the "all files and folders" option.
The “Read-only” checkbox has three possible status indications: clear, black, and shaded. If the box is shaded, it means some, but not all, items in the folder are read-only. This does not necessarily mean there is a problem; the items may be system files.

How did we do?

Error 70: Permission Denied

Error 9 and Error 381
