1099 E-Filing: States

Eric Updated by Eric

Click a state below to see the state's 1099 E-Filing requirements.

Alabama Not supported. State doesn't follow the IRS Pub 1220.

Alaska State does not require filing 1099's

Arizona Corrected 1099 E-Filed


California Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Colorado Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Connecticut Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Delaware Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

District of Columbia Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Florida State does not require filing 1099's


Hawaii State does not require filing 1099's

Idaho Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Illinois Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Indiana Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Iowa Corrected 1099 E-Filed as original (all 1099's)

Kansas Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Kentucky Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Kentucky - Louisville Metro


Maine Corrections manually via the Maine Tax Portal

Maryland Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Massachusetts Corrected 1099's Paper Filed!

Michigan Corrected 1099 E-Filed as original - only the corrected 1099

Minnesota Correction file manually via the Minnesota Tax Portal


Missouri Corrected 1099 E-Filed as original (all 1099's) - with an exception see help


Nebraska Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Nevada State does not require filing 1099's

New Hampshire State does not require filing 1099's

New Jersey Corrected 1099 E-Filed

New Mexico

New York State does not require filing 1099's

North Carolina Corrected 1099 E-Filed

North Dakota Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Ohio Corrected 1099 E-Filed


Oregon Corrected 1099 E-Filed as original - only the corrected 1099


Rhode Island Corrected 1099 E-Filed

South Carolina Corrected 1099 E-Filed

South Dakota State does not require filing 1099's

Tennessee State does not require filing 1099's

Texas State does not require filing 1099's

Utah Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Vermont Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Virginia Corrected 1099 E-Filed as original - only the corrected 1099

Washington State does not require filing 1099's

West Virginia Corrected 1099's Paper Filed

Wisconsin Corrected 1099 E-Filed

Wyoming State does not require filing 1099's

How did we do?

1099 State Selection
