Table of Contents

TaxTools WorkShop

Eric Updated by Eric

Content changes

These updates to modules routinely occur silently behind-the-scenes without any user action.

  • See TaxTools for a list of recent changes.

Base Program Changes

These are mainly feature updates to the base program and rarely involve content.

v1.0.14.45 (04/23/24)

Modified: internal improvements to order form

v1.0.14.44 (03/08/24)

Modified: disabled field styling updated
Fixed: Foreign Country name now mapping.

v1.0.14.43 (02/28/24)

Fixed: State wasn't mapping in single-user mode.
Added: Coupon Codes can be used for subscriptions.

v1.0.14.42 (02/08/24)

Added: CA Sales Tax Preparer 2024 initial release.

v1.0.14.41 (01/19/24)

Added: prompt to enter UNC path if mapped drive is not visible in network file dialog.
Added: support to import favorites from legacy TaxTools.

v1.0.14.40 (01/05/24)

Fixed: was not listing saved Tax Planner files when filter was set to All in rare cases.

v1.0.14.38 (12/14/23)

Fixed: Search for "990" doesn't return any results.
Modified: Shows new toolboxes faster.

v1.0.14.35 (11/03/23)

Added: save button to module toolbar.

v1.0.14.25 (07/05/23)

Added: A filtered client list can now be printed. Previously, the only option was to print all clients.
Added: Links to tech support topics are now in the menu bar under Help > Technical Support
Added: option to exclude deleted clients from Export to CSV function.

v1.0.14.23 (05/26/23)

Added: CA Sales Tax Preparer's district tax area code is now alphanumeric instead of just numeric.
Fixed: If Show Client FEIN is enabled, the FEIN for password-protected clients will no longer show.
Fixed: It is no longer possible to password-protect the Quick Access client.
Fixed: Password-protected addresses are no longer visible in the Label Maker module.

v1.0.14.16 (03/14/23)

Added: option to hide Client EIN/SSN from printing or displaying in modules.
Added: a custom logo can be added to module printouts.

v1.0.14.13 (03/07/23)

Modified: modules now remember zoom setting between sessions.
Fixed: Tax Corresponder custom templates weren't always saving.
Fixed: an issue where WsSetupSilent.bat wasn't running.

v1.0.14.9 (01/23/23)

Added: one or more clients can now be merged via a right-click context menu.

v0.48.14.86 (09/14/22)

Fixed: if a user switched back and forth between his single-user and networked databases, sometimes both sets of clients were displayed together.

v0.48.14.84 (08/30/22)

Modified: WSSetup folder was getting too big. Now it only keps some past version instead of all.

v0.48.14.78 (08/10/22)

Fixed: Forms Library now sorts modules in the correct order. Previously Form 13441 appeared before Form 1363 for example.

v0.48.14.56 (05/27/22)

Added: can now send error logs to tech support.
Modified: the sales and property tax toolboxes are combined into one item in the Toolbox Selector

v0.48.14.52 (05/17/22)

Added: new toolbox called Forms Library
Added: new toolbox called Free Tools

v0.48.14.44 (04/28/22)

Added: one client's files can be transferred to another's.

v0.48.14.36 (03/30/22)

Modified: Backup on Exit is enabled by default

v0.48.14.28 (03/07/22)

Added: client's files can now be renamed.
Added: Toolbox Year pulldown menu.

v0.48.14.20 (02/14/22)

Fixed: not all data was importing from MD Personal Property 2021.

v0.48.14.10 (01/13/22)

Modified: Client List now prints alphabetically by last name
Added: ability to choose whether or not to include inactive clients in the client list printout
Fixed: Was not importing clients from a non-default network location

v0.48.14.2 (12/22/21)

Modified: 2022 databases are built-in instead of needing to be downloaded.

v0.47.14.106 (12/16/21)

Added: TaxTools 2022, Small Business Tools 2022, Tax Corresponder 2022, and W4 Calculator 2022
Added: Client's Files can display files by product + year


Fixed: Minor issues for CA Sales Tax Preparer 2021.


Added: CA Sales Tax Preparer 2021 can now be launched

June 2021

Initial release.

How did we do?

