Why does the installer tell me my license code is invalid?

The license code is a string of ten characters derived from:

  1. Your customer ID,
  2. Your firm name,
  3. Your ZIP code, and
  4. The CFS programs licensed by you for a particular year.

If you get a response from the CFS installer that the license code is invalid, it means one of two things:

  1. According to our records, a field in the Firm Information form is incorrect. (For example, you have changed your firm name or address without notifying us and are entering your new firm information into the form.)

    - OR -
  2. You are attempting to install a program that you are not licensed for. (For example, you are licensed for California Sales Tax Preparer and you are attempting to install TaxTools.)
The installer will allow you to install a program you are not licensed for in demo mode.

Steps to resolve this error are:

  1. Verify that the Customer ID, Firm Name, and ZIP code in the Firm Information form are the same as those on your receipt.
  2. Verify that the license code is correct.
  3. Verify that the program you are attempting to install is the correct program.

If you still receive a message that the license code is invalid, try deleting the firm name from the Firm Information form and re-typing it.

If that also fails, use the license code DEMO to install the program. After the program is installed, select Firm Information from the File menu to again attempt to resolve the problem using the steps above.

How did we do?

Why does my license code change?
