1099 E-Filing: 1099 corrections as new original file

Suzette Ciplickas Updated by Suzette Ciplickas

Use this method only if the state wants a new original file as a correction. Refer to state requirements:
This method is not used for the IRS corrections.

To make a correction - you'll have to make a new original file with the correct information.

  1. Create a copy of a client​ - 'Utilities/Copy Current Client' from the program's main screen.
  2. Edit the client and enter 'CORR' in the Control Number field.
  3. Have the Client list options show the Employer-CTRL Number-ID. Right click on the Client and select "Client List Options" than select "Employer- Ctrol No - ID"
  4. Copy the 1099(s) over to the newly created client see: Copy Employee/Recipient to Another Client​.
    Depending on state requirement you will do one of the following:
    1) Submit a 1099 file containing all employee information not just the updated information. Copy ALL 1099's to another client.
    2) Submit a 1099 file containing only the corrected 1099's. DO NOT include any 1099's that are not being corrected. Copy the 1099's that have been corrected or need to be corrected to another client.
  5. If not already corrected, correct your information on the copied 1099(s). Save 1099(s).
  6. Open the "Create 1099 e-file/MagMedia Files" module (nickname: 1099 efiling module).
  7. Your "corrected" 1099(s) will now show up in Step 4 under the copied Client. Create the file in Step 4 as an Original.
  8. It will move to Step 5, where you can UPLOAD this "new" file.

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