
Add your own PDFs to a Client's Files folder

There are many hundreds of tools in TaxTools WorkShop , and each of them can be saved to a client's file folder. Did you know that you can add your own PDF files to a client's folder, even if they we…

Updated by Eric

Browse or search through all Toolboxes

TaxTools WorkShop contains multiple products and many hundred of tools. Users can see all TaxTools WorkShop has to offer in one list. There is a plentiful amount of content. Tools that are grayed out…

Updated by Eric

Client password protection

Clients in TaxTools WorkShop may be password-protected. See Program password protection to password-protect the entire program. Customize when a password is required. Click Tools > Options on the men…

Updated by Eric

Customize how a Client's Files are listed

TaxTools WorkShop has several features that assist in managing the files that are saved for a client. To see a client's files, left-click on the client's name. The files will show in the Client's Fil…

Updated by Eric

Downloading IRS PDF forms

TaxTools WorkShop contains hundreds of fillable forms with calculated fields. It also has the ability to download blank PDF versions of additional IRS forms or publications. This feature is available…

Updated by Eric

Filtering clients based on the selected Toolbox

Clients can be grouped together and displayed/hidden in the Client List by using Tags. By default clients will display all the time. This procedure describes how to display clients only when a certai…

Updated by Eric

Free tools inside TaxTools WorkShop

For 2022, we've opened up 1,500+ tax utility forms, flowcharts, and calculators to all users of TaxTools WorkShop, absolutely free! Customers are limited to three uses of each tool. Unlimited uses ca…

Updated by Eric

Integrated knowledge base

TaxTools WorkShop comes with an integrated Knowledge Base so that help is never so far as a click away. This feature is not available for Windows 7. Click the floating question mark in the lower-righ…

Updated by Eric

Managing inactive clients

TaxTools WorkShop keep your Client List manageable by only displaying active clients, while retaining records for inactive clients. Choose when to see inactive clients. Inactive clients can be shown…

Updated by Eric

PowerTools interface

New! You can choose to give select modules a different look. By toggling on the PowerTools option, select modules will have additional features: Scroll-wheel support. Multi-page views. Additional zoo…

Updated by Eric

Removing client password protection

Coming soon.

Updated by Eric

Search for clients, client's files, and tools

TaxTools WorkShop has three new search boxes on the main screen, one above each "list" (the client list, the client's files list, and the list of tools in the WorkShop). For any of the search boxes,…

Updated by Eric

Setting automatic backups

Your data in TaxTools Workshop can be backed up automatically at a frequency and to a location of your choice. To manually perform a backup, see Performing a manual backup. Opening the backup setting…

Daniel Strachan
Updated by Daniel Strachan

Switching products using the Toolbox pulldown

Learn how to switch to a different product from within the program.

Updated by Eric

Tagging clients

Clients can be arbitrarily grouped together in TaxTools WorkShop using Tags. The Client List can then be filtered based on Tags. The program comes with some built-in tags for displaying/hiding client…

Updated by Eric
