
1099 E-Filing

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36 articles by 3 authors


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4 articles by 1 author

Payroll Return E-filing

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22 articles by 3 authors

W-2 E-Filing

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16 articles by 2 authors

"SSN cannot begin with a 6 or a 9" when e-filing

The BSO website will no longer allow the number 9 to start an SSN. See page 40 of the specs. If no SSN is available, consider changing an employee's SSN on the W-2 form itself. Some users input the t…

Updated by Eric

BSO and IRS FIRE System is down for maintenance dates

The Electronic Wage Reporting suite of services will be unavailable from 6:00 AM EST on Friday, 12/06/2024 until 5:00 AM EST on Monday, 12/09/2024 to accommodate updates for the Tax Year 2024 filing…

Updated by Eric

Can 1099s be filed with IRIS (Information Returns Intake System)?

In early 2023, the IRS launched its new Information Returns Uptake System (IRIS) system for e-filing 1099s. Because the IRS released IRIS so late in the 2022 filing season, Payroll System does not su…

Updated by Eric

Create a Cover Letter to send to clients after E-Filing

Let your clients know that you electronically filed. Change Select Program to Display to W-2/1099 Information Returns.. In the Module Library, scroll down to the Cover Letter module and double-click…

Updated by Eric

Creating Form 8809 Extension files

Overview. Create electronic Form 8809 extension files and manually upload them to the IRS FIRE website to file your extensions. CFS Payroll System creates electronic extension files only for the form…

Updated by Eric

Do I have to E-File?

Form 941 (also 940 and 943). Currently, the IRS does not require filers to electronically file Form 941, 940 and 943. However, users of CFS 941/940 software have the capability to E-File these forms…

Michael Toney
Updated by Michael Toney

Do I need formal approval from my clients to E-File for them?

There is nothing in the IRS instructions that says formal approval is required for 1099's. However, some preparers find it useful to send a letter to their clients. Our Tax Corresponder product conta…

Updated by Eric

E-File Format Error W2 and 1099 file name .txt

Some agencies (BSO and certain states) want the file that is uploaded to be named with a.txt at the end of the filename. Make sure the saved file name has a.txt before submitting. How to fix Error wi…

Suzette Ciplickas
Updated by Suzette Ciplickas

E-Filing: Copying and pasting file name and path

A part of uploading files electronically where users often get stuck is finding the path for the file they want to upload. Payroll System makes it very simple by automatically copying the file name a…

Updated by Eric

E-filing additional forms that weren't included in first submittal

Generate the additional W-2 or 1099 forms. See Transfer Vendor Payment Data to Form 1099 or Transfer Payroll Data to W-2. The newly generated forms will appear on the Step 2 tab of the E-Filing modul…

Updated by Eric

Federal e-filing status page

The following is a summary of the status of each federal government filing system used by CFS Payroll System. Users who created files in advance of the public portal debut should update to the latest…

Updated by Eric

Find Client

Find Client. The Find Client dialog is accessed from the UTILITIES menu on the Module Library screen (hotkey is SHIFT-F2 ). A user may locate clients quickly in the list by entering text for which to…

Nina Tchistiakova
Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Find a client's E-Filing status with the Database Summary report

Change Select Program To Display to E-File/MagMedia. Double-click the Create...E-File/MagMedia Files module. Click the Step 3 tab (or the Step 5 tab). Under Report Options select Database Summary.. C…

Updated by Eric

Finding the TCC online - Do I have a FIRE IR TCC?

Rather than waiting for the approval letter to arrive, the FIRE TCC may be viewed online. Log into your IR FIRE TCC Application using your ID.me username and password. On the Select your Organization…

Suzette Ciplickas
Updated by Suzette Ciplickas

Handling omitted payees when 1099's or W-2's are added after transmission

Usually W-2 and 1099 forms are completed, created, saved and transmitted at the same time. However, if new W-2 or 1099 forms need to be filed after the original files are transmitted, the program wil…

Updated by Eric

IRS requires existing TCC holders to complete the new IR application

The following is an announcement from the IRS: The August 1, 2023 deadline to initiate your application to retain your Transmitter Control Code (TCC), obtained prior to September 26, 2021 (also known…

Updated by Eric

Is the IRS website down?

We sometimes take calls from our e-file users asking if the IRS website (MeF, E-Services, FIRE system, etc.) is down. Since it's beyond the scope of our software there's not much we can do about it,…

Updated by Eric

What if I am too late to E-File?

CFS does not give tax advice. Carefully read all government-provided instructions before choosing an option. Getting set up with government agencies to E-File can be time consuming. The government ha…

Updated by Eric
