1099 E-Filing: Arkansas

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

E-filing threshold

Specifications do not specify a filing threshold.

Filing options

Electronic Filing or CD/DVD

Forms to file

State requires W-2G and all 1099's

Transmittal form

Federal Form 1096. Located in CFS Payroll System under “W-2/1099 Information Returns”.

Required file name

Must end with a .txt

E-filing website



Chanda Chadwick

Phone: 501-682-4773

eMail: Chanda.Chadwick@dfa.arkansas.gov

Submitting files

  1. Open the webpage: https://atap.arkansas.gov/_/#4
  2. Select "Submit a 1099 Bulk File"
  1. Click on "Next"
  1. Click on "Choose File". Choose the file and click on "Next".
  1. Submit the file on the Summary Page

Send CD/DVD media to:

Withholding Tax Branch

PO Box 8055

Little Rock, AR 72203-8055

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