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1099 E-Filing: Illinois

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

March 31

Any time a due date falls on a weekend or state recognized holiday, we adjust the due date to the next business day.

E-filing threshold

Forms W-2G, Certain Gambling Winnings, are mandated to be electronically filed.

Filing options

Electronic filing

Forms to file

State requires W-2G, is mandatory.

Required file name

Specifications do not specify a file name.

E-filing website


Michelle Olson

(866) 440-8680, (217) 524-4767

Submitting files

Illinois accepts electronic filing for Prior Year Filing.
Illinois accepts electronic filing for Corrections.

Transmitters of information returns are now able to submit EFW2, EFW2C, and FIRE formatted files through MyTax Illinois without creating an account. This new, non-login feature supports submission from any internet browser and does not require the download of a tool for transmission.

This new submission method provides real-time review and error feedback rather than a back-and-forth acknowledgment process that is typical of other transmission methods. Only error-free files will be accepted and confirmed.

1. Go to the MyTax Illinois Home Page:

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the box labeled “Non-Login Return or Report” and select “Submit Bulk W2/1099 File”. This opens an active request in MyTax Illinois.

3. Provide the required information, follow the on-screen instructions, and navigation to complete your submission.

Other ways to submit the file:

If you already have an existing Logon ID and passwords for Illinois for other programs, you may use those for the W-2 and 1099 program as well.

Note: You must be registered to file at least one business day before sending a file. Click here to register as a W-2/1099 Transmitter

  • Any employer or payroll provider that wants to transmit bulk W-2/W-2c/W-2G files must register to be able to transmit files directly to us electronically.

Logon ID (ETIN) and Passwords for Transmissions: Registration is required to register a Login ID (ETIN) and receive test and production passwords. If you have registered in the past and have an ETIN/Login ID and password combination, those credentials are valid year to year. If you already have an existing ETIN/Login ID and passwords for other Illinois programs, you may use those for the W-2G and 1099 program as well. An IRS-assigned ETIN may be used for Login ID. If no IRS ETIN is available, an Illinois-only Login ID will be assigned upon completion of the online registration. You will be assigned test and production passwords. The Login ID and password combination will allow you to access the Illinois Gateway to send transmissions and retrieve acknowledgements.

Note: If you already have an existing Logon ID and passwords for Illinois for other programs, you may use those for the W-2 and 1099 program as well.

Register: Obtain your Filing transmitter ID and test and production passwords

Transmitting the file: Transmissions can use the HttpsPost utility program. The HttpsPost Utility Program transfers files to and from the Illinois Department of Revenue.

Bulk filers and third-party payroll programs and services may prefer to transmit W-2G and 1099 files by interfacing directly with Illinois Department of Revenue's (IDOR) Gateway.

HttpsPost User Guide:

HttpsPost utility program:

Copy the executable file, HttpsPost.exe, to an empty directory or folder. Complete instructions for how to operate the utility program will be provided with the downloaded file.

Test data: We will begin accepting test transmissions of the current year’s W‐2/1099 data on November 2. When online registration was completed, a W‐2/1099 transmitter ID, test password, and production password were provided to you. Use the test password to transmit your test file to IDOR. Any information transmitted using the test password will be treated as test data and is not considered “live” data. To obtain your test results, you must reenter the system at least 30 minutes after your transmission to retrieve the message.

Production data:Use the production password provided to you during registration. To obtain your transmission results, you must reenter the system at least 30 minutes after your transmission to retrieve the message. IDOR will begin accepting electronic transmissions of W]2G and 1099 data on January 4, 2021, (the first business day of the calendar year).

Note: Please be sure to use the correct password (test or production) for the file type you are transmitting.

Upload a file

  • To upload a file from within the HttpsPost program, click on the Upload tab and enter a DocID of your choosing (something simple to identify the file).
  • Click the Browse button to find the file created in CFS Payroll to upload, or if you are familiar with our process of placing the filename on the Windows clipboard, then click in the Filename box and paste the filename and path (CTRL+V if the file was just created in CFS Payroll).
  • Click the Transmit button.

Retrieve an acknowledgment file

Retrieving and saving your acknowledgement.

a. Wait about 30 minutes before attempting to retrieve your Acknowledgement, Part Two.

b. Again, go to HttsPost.exe. You may have left it open after transmission which is fine, or you may need to open the program again as you did above.

c. This time, select the “Download” tab.

d. Be sure your Login ID and password are present.

e. Select the button for “Download the next available acknowledgement file.”

f. Select “Transmit.”

g. You will receive a message such as the one seen below. Look for the words “Operation Completed.”

h. Open the folder you created on your desktop. You should see two new items in the folder.

1. HttpsPost.log shows the Acknowledgement Two transmission information.

2. The Response.ack is your acknowledgement.

Examine the Response.Ack file

  • Open the Response.Ack file in Notepad or your text editor of choice.
  • The 1099 acknowledgement file is a copy of the uploaded file with results added for each record starting in column 776 (each record of the original 1099 file had 750 columns).
  • For an accepted file, EVERY record must have the record number in columns 776-782 and the letter "A" in column 783. Example of what would be in the 1st record in columns 776-783: "0000001A"
  • For a rejected file, ANY record would have the letter "R" in column 783 followed by error information. An example would be "0000004R0067400675016INVALID STATE".
  • Please try to evaluate the acknowledgement file on your own. If you see an error of any kind in your file then call CFS and we will help you determine what the error means.

*Important note about proof of filing: You must retrieve your transmission acknowledgement within 60 days. The Illinois Department of Revenue will not send the acknowledgement to you. Your filing requirements are not met until you receive an “Accepted” transmission acknowledgement from Illinois.


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