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1099 E-Filing: Massachusetts

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31 for 1099-NEC

All other Forms March 31

 If any due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the return or statement is considered timely if filed or furnished on the next business day.

E-filing threshold

Must E-file if 10 or more

Filing options

Electronic filing

Forms to file

State requires W-2G and 1099's

Required file name

Any name with “.txt” at the end. 

E-filing website


Bulk File Portal:


Customer Service/Prod Support


Submitting files

Massachusetts accepts electronic filing for Prior Years.
Massachusetts Corrections must be paper filed.

Payroll System does not support Form INT for financial Institutions that issue Bonds or Mutual fund.

Transmitters with files greater than the allowed bandwidth (5 MB) must register to use Bulk File Portal.

Register to use the Bulk File Portal using the link

For assistance with your Bulk File registration and for Bulk File approval contact Production Support at

1. Login into MassTaxConnect:  

2. Select "More"

3. Select "Submit a Bulk File"

4. Select "Bulk 1099 File"

5. Add your file

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