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1099 E-Filing: Maine

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

If this day falls on a weekend or holiday, the filing deadline is the next business day.

Feb 28th W-3s are due - The W-3 is a reconciliation of the W2s and 1099s

E-filing threshold

Must E-file if 10 or more. 10 federal Forms W-2 and Forms 1099, in aggregate, must file the forms electronically.

Filing options

Electronic filing

Forms to file

State requires W-2G, 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT, 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC, 1099-PATR, and 1099-R

Required file name

Any name with “.txt” at the end.

E-filing website



Monday – Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Submitting files

Files must be submitted electronically via the Maine Tax Portal: MEP | MTP - Maine Revenue Services. If the files do not pass validation, the Maine Tax Portal will provide the reason and location of the errors.

The Maine Tax Portal will validate files before submission. Files that fail validation will not be processed.

Effective October 10, 2023, corrected 1099s will be available for filing manually via the Maine Tax Portal.
Maine accepts Prior Year Filing electronically.

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