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A client's file is not on the list of those that can be E-Filed

Eric Updated by Eric


A client has a 1099 or W-2 form filled out but it's not listed on Step 2 tab (or Step 4 tab) of the E-Filing module.


The tab only lists employers/payers that have data and that aren't already included in a previously created upload file.


  1. In the same E-Filing module, check if the client is already added to an E-File file. Click one tab to the right of the tab that the client is missing from. If the client is listed, then that is why the record does not appear in the list. If the client is not listed, continue to the next step below.
    The Database Summary report will indicate if the client is already included in a file. See Find a client's E-Filing status with the Database Summary report.
  2. Are you working on state e-filing and the client missing from Step 4? Check that your state requires 1099 E-Filing.
  3. Exit the E-Filing module.
  4. Complete the information return for that employer/payer.
    1. For 1099's, see Transfer Vendor Payment Data to Form 1099.
    2. For W-2's, see Transfer Payroll Data to W-2.
  5. Return to the E-Filing module. The employer/payer should be listed if it wasn't already included in a previously created upload file.

How did we do?

Can't scroll down to see all clients on the Step 2 tab of e-filing
