
On which holidays is CFS closed?

Reference pg. 26 of the CFS Handbook.. CFS Tax Software, Inc. observes the following holidays: • January 1 (New Year's Day) • Memorial Day • July 4th (Independence Day) • Labor Day • Thanksgiving Day…

Michael Toney
Updated by Michael Toney

What is our sick leave policy?

Reference pgs 19-21 in the CFS Handbook. CFS Sick Leave Policy . California law provides for mandatory paid sick leave under the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act (the "Act"). As of January 1,…

Michael Toney
Updated by Michael Toney

When can I earn paid vacation days?

Reference pgs 21-23 in the CFS Handbook. Introduction. Regular full-time employees are eligible to earn and use paid vacation days. The definition of a full-time employee is based on the same eligibi…

Michael Toney
Updated by Michael Toney
