Account Management


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6 articles by 2 authors


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29 articles by 4 authors

Can I get a user’s manual for CFS programs?

A user's manual is not available for CFS programs. However, there are various types of help available: A Windows Help file can be accessed from the program's Help menu or by pressing the F1 key, whic…


Does CFS need to know my EIN?

CFS does not keep a record of your EIN. To enter or update your EIN in your software, see How do I edit my license code/firm information? It is very important that you keep CFS apprised of any change…

Juliana Caiazzo
Updated by Juliana Caiazzo

How can I find the status of my order?

Verify an order was placed. Check online. Log-in to your MyCFS account, hover your cursor over the MyCFS tab, then click on Order History.. Click on the folder icon located to the left of the order n…

Angelynn Prejeant
Updated by Angelynn Prejeant

How do I contact CFS for technical support?

If you can't find the solution to your problem here in our knowledge base, there are other resources, including links to Chat Support and a Technical Support Request form, on the Technical Support pa…


How to edit my firm information in my CFS program(s)

If the program is already installed: open the program. click on the “File” drop down menu at the upper left of the screen. click on “Firm Information.”. enter the appropriate information in the corre…

Michael Toney
Updated by Michael Toney

Quick Reference Guide is discontinued

Due to the quick availability of free information online, Quick Reference Guide is no longer available to be renewed. Our software development philosophy is that we won't produce a program for a give…

Updated by Eric

Where can I get help for Fill-N-Print?

Looking for hundreds of tax forms? Please see Forms Library , which is now included in TaxTools. For technical support for the Fill-N-Print tax forms program, please call the following toll-free numb…

