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W-2 E-Filing: Alabama

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

E-filing threshold

Must E-file if 25 or more

Tax Year 2024 Must E-file if 10 or more

Filing options

Electronic filing

Transmittal form

Annual Reconciliation Form A-3 input screen will display online after file is transmitted .

Required file name

Any name with “.txt” at the end

E-filing website


Laura Walden


Submitting files

Employers and filing agents who have issued 25 or more Alabama W-2s must electronically file this information through the Department's Website.

Payroll Services must use their Agent account information to electronically file and pay for clients. To apply to become a Bulk Filer go to http://www.revenue.alabama. gov/ withholding/bulkfl.cfm.

Alabama does not allow duplicate electronic filings. All amended returns must be mailed or faxed to us to make the changes or corrections. If a 2nd electronic file is sent, it will not go through and the sender will receive a rejected/error file.

Completion of the A-3 Annual Reconciliation: Upon successfully entering or uploading the W-2, you must complete Form A-3 online. All fields on Form A-3 are required and must be entered on the form. After the information is entered, click Calculate in the Paperless Filing system or OK in My Alabama Taxes. The system will compare the number of employee wage statements entered on Form A-3 to the number of W-2 and/or 1099 statements filed and the amount reported on Block 2 will be compared to the sum of the State Income Tax Withheld on the W-2 and/or 1099 statements filed. Form A-3 will not be accepted if these amounts do not agree. Click Submit to receive a confirmation number and print the confirmation page for your record. Your information will not be received processed until you have received a confirmation number

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