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W-2 E-Filing: Michigan

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

E-filing threshold

Must E-file if 250 or more

Filing options

Electronic filing

Required file name

W2REPORT.TXT (must have .TXT)

E-filing website

Submitting files

Michigan accepts electronic filing W2-C for Corrections.

MTO Option 1: Upload all W-2s and 1099s for a particular business.

After logging in to MTO using your personal user profile, access the Sales, Use, and Withholding (SUW) Tax Service. If you have not already, connect to the registered business tax account (or the accounts of multiple clients) who issued the income record forms. After creating this relationship, click the name of the business on the SUW Dashboard. Select Additional Services under SUW Actions and click Wage Statement Upload. Click Upload. Select the applicable tax year of the income record forms and click Select a W2 File to choose a file from your computer. Click Upload to send the file to Treasury. You will receive a confirmation number.

Please see tutorial at: SUW Tax Service

MTO Option 2: Upload specifically formatted W-2 information.

After logging in to MTO using your personal user profile, access the EFW2 Upload portal under Guest Services. Review the file size and format requirements. Click Upload. Select the applicable tax year of the income records and click Select a W2 File to choose a file from your computer. Click Upload to send the file to Treasury. You will receive a confirmation number. 

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