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W-2 E-Filing: Kentucky

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

If this day falls on a holiday or weekend, the filing deadline is extended to the next business day.

E-filing threshold


Paper copies of Forms W-2, W-2G and 1099 received by DOR will not be processed and will not be considered.

Filing options

Electronic filing

Required file name

Specifications do not specify a file name.

E-filing website


Rhonda Ray


Submitting files

DOR no longer accepts paper copies of Forms W-2, W-2G or 1099. Payers issuing 25 or fewer withholding statements, 1099’s with KY tax, or W-2G’s, must either file Form K-5 or submit the information in the accepted electronic format.

To use the web site, a PIN is required, which DOR will assign when the employer declares its intention to send annual wage & tax reports via the web. The PIN only needs to be changed if the employer’s Federal Identification Number changes or the employer requests a new PIN for security. 

First, apply for a PIN using this form:

Next, login to the site to upload your EFW2 format file containing only W-2 data:

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