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W-2 E-Filing: West Virginia

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

E-filing threshold

Must E-file if 25 or more

Filing options

Electronic filing

Transmittal form

Form WV IT-103 located in CFS Payroll System under ''W-2/1099 Information Returns' must be completed before creating a file. The information on the form will be in the file.

Required file name


E-filing website


Christine Stephenson



Submitting files

The state accepts electronic filing for Prior Years.
Corrected W-2s must be submitted on paper with an amended WV/IT-103 form.

Before you process a file you must complete Form WV IT-103 located in CFS Payroll System under ''W-2/1099 Information Returns'' and save the form to process W-2's for West Virginia. The RV record in the file contains all of the data from the WV IT-103. When you process the file you will be given the option to select a saved WV IT-103.

Note: You must save Form WV/IT-103 for the W-2's and a separate one for the 1099's.

State Employer Account Number uses 9 digit Federal EIN.

Electronic filing - you must be registered with MyTaxes to submit your file.

If you are not already registered for MyTaxes, when accessing  you will be required to complete the following steps:

  • Taxpayer Verification – This requires your Federal Tax ID Number, individual taxpayer ID number, social security number or WV tax ID number. In addition you will choose a tax account type, the account number and your zip code.
  • Create Logon Information
  • Add Access to Accounts (Optional)
  • Once registered, you may request access to any or all of your tax accounts that are available on MyTaxes.

Upload a W-2 file?

● Select the Submit W-2 hyperlink (to the right)

● Select IMPORT button (link for import under checkbox for manual entry option)

● Select Choose File to locate your W-2 file

● Choose the file you want to import, Select Open

● Select the IMPORT button – click only once as large files may take a minute to import. Only one file may be imported per submission

● Once the file is imported, the gray boxes will populate the number of Employers and Employees in the file.

● Click NEXT (lower right) to view your file data on the screens

● Once you’ve viewed all the data, the SUBMIT button will be available (lower right)

● Enter your password and OK

● You will receive a confirmation number

NOTE: If there are errors detected, you will be unable to proceed until they are resolved. Any corrections needed must be made within the actual file, not on screen.

If you are a Payroll Service Provider and have not yet registered with WV, please send a completed page 1 of the business registration application to:

ALL OTHER registration questions must contact Taxpayer Services Division at 1-800-982-8297

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