What to do when there's an unwelcome person on the premises

Michael Toney Updated by Michael Toney

If there is a threatening person on the premises:

  1. De-escalate. Do what you can to de-escalate the situation.
  • If you need to say something to a potentially threatening person, speak calmly, clearly and respectfully. Don't say something that might further agitate the person.
  • Behave in such a way so as to project confidence while at the time reducing risk.
  • For example, if confronted by an angry person, you might say "I'm sorry but I have to get back to work now," and leave.
  1. Be safe. Take immediate measures to increase your safety and that of others.
  • If there is a door or other means to shield yourself, have it ready or use it.
  • Keep your hands ready and be ready to move quickly if you have to.
  • If other friendly people are nearby, move toward them.
  1. Notify others. Inform management, co-workers and neighbors of the potential threat.
  • Tell others nearby. Teams is an effective way to communicate with others at CFS.
  • Inform the building manager. Kathy's cell is (818) 554-4571.
  • If necessary, call 911.

Situations and people will vary greatly. But the principles of 1) De-escalation, 2) Safety and 3) Notifying others fit most every situation.

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