Building Evacuation Procedure

Michael Toney Updated by Michael Toney

Refer to the building evacuation plan map in your room.

In the event of an evacuation:

  1. Pay attention. Someone might be sharing important information.
  2. Pause. Take a moment to think. Gather important personal items that you do not want to leave behind, such as keys, cell phone, purse, glasses, jacket, etc.
  3. Escape. Follow the posted route down the back stairs and out the east door.
  • Move deliberately but with care.
  • Do not stop at other places such as a restroom.
  • If the posted route is blocked, exit by whatever route is available.
  • Once outside, create a safe distance from and away from the building. If exiting via the back stairs, walk east at least until you reach the curb area, and then turn north.
Be mindful of others. Someone might not know to take their cell phone, or which way to go. Help them.
  1. Assemble. Proceed to the assembly point at the northeast corner of the parking lot (corner closest to the movie theater building).
  • Stay away from the building.
  • Be careful to watch for moving vehicles.
  • Stay together and relatively quiet and still. Make it easy for management to account for you.
  • Stay in the assembly area until released by management.

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