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W-2 E-Filing: Hawaii

Nina Tchistiakova Updated by Nina Tchistiakova

Due date

January 31

E-filing threshold

Employers who are required by the federal government to electronically file Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, or Form W-2C Corrected Wage and Tax statement during the year, must also electronically transmit these informational returns to the Hawaii Department of Taxation.

Filing options

Electronic filing

Required file name

Any name with “.txt” at the end.

Required File Name: [CompanyName]_W2_[YYYYMMDDhhmmss]

E-filing website


Electronic Processing Section

1-800-222-3229 (Toll-Free)


Submitting files

The state accepts electronic filing for Prior Years.
The state accepts electronic filing W2-C for Corrections.

If you received an extension from the IRS to file the W‐2s electronically, please email the Electronic Processing Section at for specific instructions.

Each file must be zipped and be no more than 200MB. Hawaii does not accept files for tax years before 2017.

HTO file upload – This is the easiest free method available for submitting W-2s and W-2Cs. This method does not require any special software in order to upload the file. A zip file is submitted with the filed HW-3 return completed through HTO. Take the following steps:

1) Create an EFW2 text file with a .txt extension, compress and zip the file with a .zip extension.

2) Log on to HTO at

3) Submission of W-2 form

a) For years 2019 and prior, select form HW-3, File Return link

b) For years 2020 and forward, select form HW-14 last quarter for the filing year. Submit W-2 Forms link

4) Follow the prompts to upload the EFW2 file you created. Select method Hawaii SSA File Upload.

There is no testing required, however, Hawaii highly recommend submitters validate their zipped EFW2 and EFW2C files through the validation app which can be found on the HTO landing page at The file will also be validated upon upload.

Acknowledgments (proof of filing): A transmitted file will either meet the content specifications and be accepted or will have an error and immediately be rejected. In order to receive Acknowledgements (ACKS), testing and certification for both good and bad W-2/W-2C files are required. ACKS will be sent for each W-2/W-2C file submitted and will include a status of whether the file was accepted or rejected. If the W-2 file is rejected, there will be one ACK file with a status of rejected that lists all the records in error for that W-2 file.

If you are not set up to receive ACKS, they will NOT notify you by email, letter, or by phone that the file was rejected or accepted.

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